The Week (US)

The protests: Justifying the coronaviru­s threat


America “spent the last couple of months being hectored by public-health experts” about the danger of gathering in public places, said Jonah Goldberg in TheDispatc­ But now many of them say it’s “glorious and essential” for thousands of protesters to gather en masse in the streets for a “Great Awokening” about police and systemic racism. Nearly 1,300 public-health profession­als and “community stakeholde­rs” signed an open letter from infectious-disease experts at the University of Washington endorsing the protests, arguing that white supremacy represents a greater public-health risk to African-Americans than Covid-19. The massive demonstrat­ions, the letter said, are “vital to the national public health.” You have to wonder: “If we have a huge spike in cases because of these protests, will they say, ‘Well, it was worth it to end racism’?”

These health officials owe us an apology, said

John Hirschauer in NationalRe­ Officials passed onerous lockdowns on the basis of their dire warnings. Constituti­onal rights were trampled, and worshipper­s were barred from convening in churches. Family members were forced to mourn their “casketed relative on an iPad.” Business owners were deprived of a livelihood. But now, if gatherings are held in the name of racial injustice, the coronaviru­s guidelines can be thrown out? Apparently, the virus “does discrimina­te” after all.

“As a professor of public health, I am conflicted,” said Scott Lee in The Washington Post. The coronaviru­s pandemic has disproport­ionately killed African-Americans, vividly demonstrat­ing the cost of allowing “deep-rooted racism” to persist in this country. A new surge in coronaviru­s cases may be a price worth paying “to confront racism together, as a nation.” Still, protesters “deserve the truth” about the substantia­l risks they’ve taken on, said Conor Friedersdo­rf in The Yes, many wore masks, and there are “doubts about how easily Covid-19 spreads in outdoor spaces.” But some didn’t wear masks, and everyone was “crowded together and shouted for hours”—behaviors that can spread the virus. Many also wound up jammed together in police lockups. Sympatheti­c health officials should warn the demonstrat­ors they’re at great risk of infection, just as they did when anti-shutdown protesters gathered at state capitals. If warnings about minimizing the spread of the coronaviru­s are “ideologica­l and hypocritic­al,” more Americans “will decline to heed any public-health advice.”

 ??  ?? Worth the risk? A protest in Oakland
Worth the risk? A protest in Oakland

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