The Week (US)

Recessions: A big setback for women in the workforce


Women have been bearing the brunt of the pandemic’s economic impact, said Shelly Banjo in Bloomberg Businesswe­ek. Forget the smiling photos on social media of “moms baking bread and crafting with their kids between Zoom meetings.” The reality is that throughout the crisis women have been “losing jobs at higher rates than men, represent a greater proportion of hourly workers that don’t have paid sick leave, and are shoulderin­g most of the additional housework and child-care duties.” In two-earner couples, women are more likely to leave their jobs to handle the child care; many are being forced to “scale back their career ambitions, leave the workforce, or sacrifice their sleep and mental health.” Women risk giving back a decade of gains in the workplace. “This pandemic is forcing women 10 steps back,” says Ashley Reckdenwal­d, a New Jersey physician’s assistant who was planning to switch jobs when the pandemic hit and is now staying home with her children instead.

The way this recession has affected women will have far-reaching consequenc­es for any rebound, said Sarah Chaney and Lauren Weber in The Wall Street Journal. Women make up “77 percent of workers in occupation­s that require close personal contact and cannot easily be done remotely.” While other recent recessions have been what economist Stefania Albanesi calls “mancession­s,” this one has looked very different; 55 percent of the jobs lost in April had been held by women. In other recessions, women have taken jobs when their husbands have lost them. But now there are no such replacemen­t jobs to be had. That’s why, Albanesi says, “we can expect a much bigger drop in consumptio­n and income for households than we do during a normal recession.”

More likely to lose jobs now, women will probably face a slower recovery, said Elisa Martinuzzi in Bloomberg .com. Unfairly, “crises tend to reinforce the idea that men are responsibl­e for putting bread on the table whereas women take care of the family.” Women juggling child-care responsibi­lities will face a disadvanta­ge getting back into the workforce, said Patricia Cohen and Tiffany Hsu in The New

York Times. With fewer “hours logged,” those who still have jobs will find it harder to get promoted. But some economists think that “the increased pressure on families could—over the long term—force structural and cultural changes” such as greater child-care options and more flexible work arrangemen­ts that may ultimately benefit women. One small early sign of a bright spot: Economists studying the coronaviru­s outbreak have found that men who are able to work from home—an increasing­ly common situation—“do about 50 percent more child care.”

 ??  ?? Women held 55 percent of the jobs lost in April.
Women held 55 percent of the jobs lost in April.

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