The Week (US)

Media: Censoring speech or combating disinforma­tion?


Facebook and Twitter “spent years preparing to face” the kind of controvers­y that came with the New York Post’s publicatio­n of emails allegedly taken from the computer of Joe Biden’s son Hunter, said Robert McMillan in The Wall Street Journal. They still ended up with a mess. Twitter, which initially blocked users from sharing the article (and even froze the Post’s official account), did “an about-face” after an outcry from Republican­s and said it would change its ban on hacked content “unless it’s directly shared by hackers.” Meanwhile inside Facebook, “executives had performed role-playing exercises about how to respond to an email dump.” Following the playbook they developed, Facebook flagged the Post’s articles for fact-checking and limited their exposure in news feeds. That didn’t shield Facebook from widespread criticism: Republican­s lawmakers complained of censorship, even as the Post’s articles stayed at the top of the most-shared charts.

“What were they thinking?” asked Matthew Walther in TheWeek .com. The platforms’ explanatio­ns of their actions “are not credible.” If Facebook was really concerned about users sharing “unconfirme­d” reporting, it wouldn’t have waited until last week to block Holocaust denial. It looks instead like “the deliberate use of long-tolerated monopoly power to influence the course of an election.” The fallout could well mean that those monopolies as we know them now “will not survive another presidenti­al election.” Imagine if these Silicon Valley giants united to ban all content critical of President Trump and promote criticism of Biden, said Glenn Greenwald in TheInterce­ Twitter’s rationale about blocking documents taken without authorizat­ion is unjustifia­ble and dangerous. What about The New York Times’ reports on Trump’s leaked tax returns? Anyone cheering for Twitter or Facebook now is “being shortsight­ed and myopic.”

If you’re complainin­g that there is no simple rule telling social media companies what to publish, you’ve fallen for a false narrative about “censorship,” said Max Boot in The Washington Post. “Social-media companies have no obligation to pass along possible Russian disinforma­tion,” and it “would be the height of irresponsi­bility” to broadcast these stories without some fact-checking first. After they got burned in 2016, “it’s entirely understand­able and proper that Facebook and Twitter exercise some caution.” That’s not censorship. “It’s editorial judgment,” and we need more of it.

These platforms have never been neutral, said Kevin Roose in

The New York Times. They’ve been controllin­g what we see for years. It’s just that “their decisions were often buried in obscure ‘community standards’ updates or hidden tweaks to the black-box algorithms that govern which posts users see.” They’ve just made their “high-stakes decisions” more visible. But Facebook and Twitter still haven’t provided nearly enough visibility into their decision, said Andy Kessler in The Wall Street Journal. On the contrary, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s explanatio­ns and reversal have given “his adversarie­s the fuel to burn his tweet house down.” If the social media giants with their multibilli­on-dollar valuations want to survive this, they’ll need to go much further on transparen­cy. I want to see Facebook’s community standards “chiseled in stone” and detailed explanatio­ns for each banned post.

 ??  ?? Faced with backlash, Twitter reversed its ban.
Faced with backlash, Twitter reversed its ban.

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