The Week (US)

Republican­s: Enabling Trump’s assault on democracy


A full month after his defeat at the polls, President Trump is engaged in unpreceden­ted, “un-American efforts to overturn the election,” said Dean Obeidallah in Nearly

50 courts have now rejected Trump’s baseless challenges to Joe Biden’s victory—including the U.S. Supreme Court, which this week voted 9-0 to dismiss his attempt to invalidate election results in Pennsylvan­ia. In desperatio­n, Trump is now openly pressuring legislator­s in battlegrou­nd states to ignore the will of voters and simply declare him the winner. In reality, Joe Biden beat him decisively, with a 306-232 margin in the Electoral College and by 51.4 percent to 46.9 percent of the popular vote. But Trump’s insistence the election was stolen has worked his most rabid followers into a frenzy of violent threats. If she didn’t deny that Biden won, said Kim Ward, Republican majority leader of the Pennsylvan­ia Senate, “I’d get my house bombed tonight.” Indeed, only 27 of 249 congressio­nal Republican­s were willing to call Biden the “president-elect” in a Washington Post survey this week. Sadly, Republican­s have become the “Cult of Trump,” said Anthony Fisher in BusinessIn­ Only 20 percent of GOP voters now believe Biden’s win was legitimate, and half are so delusional they think Trump will be inaugurate­d on Jan. 20. By letting Trump’s malevolent lies take root, Republican officials have “failed their country.”

The “underminin­g of election integrity” did not start with Trump, said Becket Adams in Washington­ After Trump’s victory in 2016, Democrats spent four years loudly “alleging that Russian President Vladimir Putin had personally installed a puppet in the Oval Office.” Many Democrats called Trump an “illegitima­te” president. The symmetry is compelling, said

Andrew McCarthy in NationalRe­ Trump is trying “to delegitimi­ze an election he lost by peddling claims of a massive fraud scheme,” just as Democrats tried to delegitimi­ze an election they lost with “farcical” claims that Trump colluded with Russia.

That’s a ludicrous comparison, said Jonathan Chait in First of all, there’s a mountain of evidence that Trump and his campaign welcomed Russia’s efforts to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. But at no point did any Democrat demand the nullificat­ion of hundreds of thousands of ballots. Hillary Clinton conceded the election in a graceful speech the morning after the election. Nor was there any hint of the violent rhetoric that is now commonplac­e among Trumpists, said William Saletan in “We’re getting ready to start shooting,” said a speaker at a rally led by Donald Trump Jr. Newly pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn retweeted a call for Trump to impose martial law and order a “revote.” Courageous Republican election officials who’ve certified the vote in several states are being inundated with death threats. “Someone’s going to get killed,” said Georgia Republican official Gabriel Sterling.

“A line has been crossed,” said Christian Vanderbrou­k in, and history will remember “where people stood in this moment.” Trump’s infamy should be shared by Republican­s like Sens. Rand Paul and Ron Johnson, who’ve egged on crazy conspiracy theories of fake-ballot dumps and rigged voting machines— and by those who silently assented to them. In 2020, “the enemies of democracy” advocated using “political power to overturn a clearly decided election”—a revolt that would end our nation’s 244-year-old experiment in self-rule. “We must never forget.”

 ??  ?? A true believer in Georgia
A true believer in Georgia

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