The Week (US)

It must be true...

I read it in the tabloids


■■ A Canadian man’s car was impounded after cops took exception to his use of a lawn chair as a driver’s seat. The unidentifi­ed motorist tore out the old bucket seat from his late-model Ford Edge SUV in favor of a woven lawn chair more in line with a beach.

The Halton Regional Police Service, near Toronto, noting that the chair had no seat belt and no fastening to the floor, called the car unfit for service, seizing it and removing its license plates. “Just when you think you have seen it all,” said a police spokesman.

■■ A woman in Oman is sharing her home with 480 cats and 12 dogs. Maryam al-Balushi initially did not like cats, but after her son brought one home and neglected it, she found herself “totally immersed” in its care. Her horde soon grew after she accepted several strays and they began mating. Now she spends almost $8,000 a month on their food and care—much of it underwritt­en by donations from sympatheti­c social media fans. Her neighbors are aghast, but Balushi framed her mission in terms of helping society’s weakest. No one, she said, “cares about the poor animals who don’t have any voice.”

■■ The name dates back to the 11th century–but residents of the Austrian village of “Fu--ing” have finally had enough of the mockery it attracts. Tourists from the English-speaking world have long flocked to the village to pose for photos in front of signs—often striking lewd poses. Now the village is reluctantl­y being re-named “Fugging”—but the change is a sore topic. “I really don’t want to say anything more,” snapped Mayor Andrea Holzner. “We’ve had enough media frenzy about this in the past.”

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