The Week (US)

Trump: The worst president ever?


“We will be back in some form. Have a good life.” With that “melancholy farewell,” delivered to a modest group of supporters, President Donald J. Trump this week turned and boarded Air Force One for the final time, said Philip Rucker in The Washington Post. A president once “omnipresen­t in American life” spent the last week of his single term “effectivel­y in hiding,” reportedly “brooding over imagined injustices” and insistentl­y repeating the Big Lie that November’s presidenti­al election was “stolen” from him. With his Twitter feed permanentl­y suspended, Trump’s petulance found an outlet in a series of petty snubs to the incoming president: Trump not only skipped Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on, he refused to even use his name in a scripted farewell address. Fittingly, he issued a final raft of 143 presidenti­al pardons to fraudsters, corrupt politician­s, and cronies such as Steve Bannon, the architect of Trump’s unlikely rise to power. Trump’s graceless departure was like that of a “failed coup leader in a banana republic who has negotiated his exile but leaves at the point of a bayonet,” said Ed Kilgore in Facing a second impeachmen­t trial, this one for inciting an insurrecti­on, the 45th president flew out over a national capital bristling with barricades and 25,000 National Guard troops protecting his successor.

Clearly, Trump was “the worst president in the 232-year history of the United States,” said historian Tim Naftali in TheAtlanti­c .com. He was worse than Richard Nixon, worse even than Warren Harding, James Buchanan, and Andrew Johnson. Before he was elected, Trump welcomed and amplified a Russian disinforma­tion plot against his opponent. In office, he shamelessl­y abused his power to enrich himself and to ensure his re-election; his hamfisted extortion of Ukraine’s president led to his first impeachmen­t.

Through denialism and sheer incompeten­ce, he so horribly mismanaged the pandemic response that the U.S. has by far the most cases and deaths in the world. And when he lost in November, Trump “mounted the first effort by a defeated incumbent” to overturn a fair election, inciting an assault on Congress that nearly got his vice president and many legislator­s killed. Trump appealed to America’s “ugliest impulses,” said Paul Waldman in Washington­ He leaves the country filled with “misery and despair,” and with “our divisions seeming more intractabl­e than ever.”

Before his “disastrous end,” Trump did have “a remarkable set of accomplish­ments,” said Byron York in Washington­ His judicial appointmen­ts put a conservati­ve stamp on federal courts that will last for decades. He curbed illegal immigratio­n. With tax cuts and de-regulation, he boosted the U.S. economy. Trump’s “lasting legacy,” though, will be the political mobilizati­on of America’s tens of millions of “forgotten men and women,” said David Bahnsen in NationalRe­ The conservati­ve movement needs to find leaders who can fight for the working class’s interests with Trump’s “energy, force, and boldness, yet without the self-defeating traits of ego and childishne­ss.”

If the GOP is to have a future, said Rick Wilson in TheDailyBe­ast .com, it first needs a reckoning for those who “empowered, enabled, and normalized” that grotesque man for four wretched years. At the end, many Republican­s joined Trump in dragging the nation “to the edge of a conspiracy-driven insurrecti­on” that would have ended our democracy. Unless Republican­s tell the truth about who Trump was and what he did, my old party will either be taken over by QAnon lunatics or “go the way of the Whigs.”

 ??  ?? ‘We will be back in some form.’
‘We will be back in some form.’

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