The Week (US)

Europe writing new laws of robotics


The European Union is considerin­g a ban on “harmful” artificial intelligen­ce systems, said Melissa Heikkila in A draft of upcoming rules by the European Commission represents the first-of-its-kind attempt to regulate AI to comply with its strict privacy laws. “Many technologi­es currently in use in Europe today, such as algorithms used to scan CVs, make creditwort­hiness assessment­s, hand out social security benefits or asylum and visa applicatio­ns, or help judges make decisions, would be labeled as ‘high risk’” and subject to extra scrutiny. AI systems for manufactur­ing efficiency or climate-change modeling, by contrast, would “be welcome.” Opponents say the rules would limit Europe’s ability to partner with American tech companies, “which dominate the developmen­t of AI technologi­es.” are located in Turkey. “Instead of showing you the monkey game, a web-based casino appears” with a roulette wheel and “a request to go around Apple’s in-app purchase system and fund a sketchy casino wallet” with cash and various digital currencies. The casino might have evaded Apple’s security monitoring by putting its terms and conditions on a webpage that shows up in a window for a moment and then disappears.

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