The Week (US)

It must be true... I read it in the tabloids


■ A Florida man who went to a Jacksonvil­le hospital after months of worsening face pain and nosebleeds had 150 live bugs removed from his nose. “There was significan­t abnormalit­y in that nose,” said attending physician David Carlson, who found writhing insect larvae feeding on the man’s sinus tissue, “right under the brain.” It’s not certain how they got there, but the patient suspects it was from handling dead fish on fishing trips. “Before, I would rinse my hands in the river,” he said. “Now I’ll use cleaner.”

■ Plastic surgeons in New York City are seeing a boom in male patients who want their nipples to be reduced in size—and made to look like soccer star David Beckham’s. That means small, symmetrica­l, and almond-shaped. “This is a thing,” said Marc Everett, a plastic surgeon on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. “People want David Beckham’s nipples.” The procedure, which involves extracting breast tissue from under the nipples, costs about $5,000; patients can return to work in an hour, said surgeon Elie Levine, who does the operation twice a month. “It’s definitely a growing trend,” he said.

■ A contractor renovating a bathroom in Seattle made an unexpected discovery while ripping out a bathtub: an old grenade between the studs. “My first thought was to get out of there,” said Vadim Kharkhavyy, who after catching his breath returned for a closer look. “I zoomed in on my phone and I’m like, that’s an actual freaking grenade.” Police determined it wasn’t live, and told him it had probably been brought home by a World War II vet who “stored it there and possibly forgot about it.”

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