The Week (US)

Editor’s letter


God is the greatest / Death to America / Death to Israel / A curse upon the Jews / Victory to Islam. If you are ever at a loss to find the motivation­s of America’s enemies on the world political stage, it’s helpful to think back on the slogan that Yemen’s Ansar Allah—the Houthis—put on their flag. In the Gaza war, the Houthis, who have bombed shipping in the Persian Gulf ostensibly in sympathy with the plight of Palestinia­ns, are bit players. But their slogan nicely crystalliz­es the issue. Death to America / Death to Israel: The two are intertwine­d. After our foes are done with Israel, they can move on to the main event. In Ukraine, things are little different. After Russia invaded Ukraine, Mikhail Khodorkovs­ky, the Russian billionair­e turned exiled dissident, wrote that “Putin, in his head, has long been at war not with Ukraine, but with America.”

Putin’s strategy of poisoning American debate to separate the U.S. from Ukraine is transparen­t. The designs of Hamas, Iran, and their fellow travelers are similar. Nicaragua, led by the repressive Daniel Ortega, last month filed a bizarre genocide case against Germany at the Internatio­nal Court of Justice for supplying weapons to Israel. Is Ortega’s target Germany, or Israel? Or is it really the United States—the country Ortega has fought with for four decades? When crowds wave signs deploring settler colonialis­m and the U.N. Special Rapporteur for the Palestinia­n territorie­s takes to X to deplore the “unlawful endeavor” of “settler colonialis­m,” the ultimate settler-colonialis­t state they have in mind is not Israel. Gaza has been a terrible war, and there are legitimate questions about the Israeli military’s conduct (see Controvers­y, p.6). But if the U.S. fails to back its allies, and Israel in particular, that will not win us any friends. It will be seen for what it is: a defeat for the United States. And it will be an invitation to America’s enemies to bring their wars ever closer to us.

Mark Gimein

Managing editor

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