The Weekly Vista

Stop stoking false narratives


Elaine Harrett claims (in her letter to the Editor printed in the Nov. 16 Weekly Vista) that fear won the recent election, but I didn’t see fear. I saw courage and a strong resolve to end politics as usual. The losers are publicly shaking and crying in fear because their candidate lost. Hateful protests are occurring in the streets and on college campuses as the liberals protest democracy and threaten anyone who doesn’t agree with them. When Trump won, liberal media hosts were beside themselves with fear that their message was ignored. Some tried to fight back by reporting false claims of assaults and bigotry by Trump supporters.

Trump’s election was not about fear, but more about anger at an establishm­ent that has failed the working class for years. It was a refutation of crooked politician­s making decisions in smoke-filled rooms, of the spoiled elites in Hollywood and in the sports world, of the demands of privileged college kids and of an obviously biased mainstream media. The fear we see in the faces of protesters and many politician­s is because middle class America is rising up and saying “We aren’t going to take it anymore!”

Trump saw our anger and frustratio­n, Ms. Harrett, but if you want to see people playing on fear, take a look at the rabble rousers protesting democracy. Look at some of the democrats like Harry Reid pushing hate and fear, and look at the media broadcasti­ng false reports of violence by Trump supporters. In her “60 Minutes” interview with Trump, Lesley Stahl made the unsupporte­d accusation that Trumps supporters were harassing Latinos, Muslims, blacks and gays across the country.

All the noise and hate is coming from the left is vengeful propaganda that ignores the facts. The fear mongering is causing naive people and some politician­s to join in sounding false alarms across the country.

As you quoted, “The only thing to fear is fear itself,” said Franklin Roosevelt. So let’s stop stoking those fears with false narratives. Dale Lang Bella Vista

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