The Weekly Vista

We are all different but crucial to the fold

- REV. JONATHAN WATSON Jonathan Watson is pastor of the Bella Vista Assembly of God. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

Many of you may not feel very important today. The enemy of your soul will try to convince you that you are useless and worthless. Depression and disengagem­ent set in and the lie becomes your reality.

But the other day I saw a ranch with fences to hold in the cows. There were at least 600 fence posts. Each post is important. If one is knocked down, the entire herd can escape over the fallen section. The same principle holds true in other areas of life. If one machine breaks down, the whole assembly line grinds to a halt. If one bolt drops out of a car engine, the car will break down. If a single microchip fails, an entire computer system may malfunctio­n. In any business that involves people, it’s no different. If one person slacks off, the entire effort suffers. Even in our family lives, we all have a particular role.

Are you feeling as if you’re just one more fence post in a long row? Does it seem that what you’re doing is hardly worth the effort?

The Bible says, “The Spirit of God is given to each one for the profit of all.” As one single fence post is crucial to the rancher, you too are important to God, to your family and to the rest of us.

Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself to others. We are all different, but that’s what makes us special. Whatever you’re feeling today,

God will help you, if you just let Him.

God bless you and have a great day.

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