The Weekly Vista

Planning Commission considerin­g rule revision


The planning commission looked at potential changes to city code regarding incidental subdivisio­ns and permitted uses for zoning districts during its work session last Thursday, March 29.

Incidental subdivisio­ns, according to the staff report, include lot splits, minor subdivisio­ns, property line adjustment­s and correction plats.

Chris Suneson, director of the Community Developmen­t Services department, explained that this proposal would allow the planning commission to approve these incidental subdivisio­ns, which currently need approval from city council, though the planning commission often looks at them first. There were 43 of these items the council had to approve last year, he said, and the proposed regulation change could expedite the process for applicants and save the city council some time.

For an applicant, he said, this could mean two-and-a-half weeks are freed up.

“Anything we can do to speed an applicant along the process … I think that only makes sense,” he said.

The second code change up for discussion is in regards to use units, which were put in place with an update to the city’s zoning code passed in 2017. Use units for each zoning district, according to the staff report, help to show what types of facilities are permitted in a given zoning district.

But, according to the report, there are some inconsiste­ncies. For example, P-1 open space zoned property could benefit from having low-intensity uses, like parks and recreation­al facilities and education as a use unit could be expanded in some zoning areas, like agricultur­al and industrial.

This, Suneson said, could be the third city code change this year.

The commission also discussed a conditiona­l use permit for a fireworks stand on McNelly Road.

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