The Weekly Vista

Strange BUT TRUE

- By Samantha Weaver

• It was Swedish poet Vilhelm Ekelund who made the following sage observatio­n: “To read fast is as bad as to eat in a hurry.”

• Bullies, take note: Director Wes Craven reportedly named the character Freddy Krueger, from the “Nightmare on Elm Street” horror films, after a kid who had bullied him in school.

• Though coffee has been around for about 700 years, instant coffee was invented just over 100 years ago, in 1906. By George Washington. Of course, it wasn't that “George Washington.” The man who made coffee more convenient — and, many would say, less flavorful — was from Belgium.

• Those who study such things claim that there are roughly 5 million bubbles in a single glass of champagne. That factoid begs the question: How do you count the bubbles in a glass of champagne?

• The next time you're planning a European vacation, make time to visit the coast of the Netherland­s, where you can stay in one of the world's most unusual hotels. Along the banks of the Wadden Sea you'll find Harlingen Harbour Crane, an actual derrick that was once used to haul timber. These days it holds aloft luxurious sleeping quarters designed for only one party at a time. If you need a change of scenery, just head to the control room to swing the crane around until you find a view that strikes your fancy.

• Talk about a serious typo: In 2008, the Chilean mint issued thousands of copies of a coin with the country's name spelled “Chiie” instead of “Chile.”

Thought for the Day:

“It is fortunate to be of high birth, but it is no less so to be of such character that people do not care to know whether you are or are not.”

— Jean de la Bruyere

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