The Weekly Vista

Ultrasound of Life

- REV. MARK VOLL Mark Voll is pastor of the Village Bible Evangelica­l Free Church. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

“We have a girl!” Those were the words of the technician performing the ultrasound on our daughter-in-law. My wife and I drove up to Springfiel­d, Mo., at our son and daughter-in-law’s invitation for the big “reveal.” Joining us in that little room were our daughter-in-law’s mother, stepfather, father and grandmothe­r.

We all marveled at every detail of this very young life in her mother’s womb. Even though the baby’s not due to be born until mid-September, that this is a distinct, living human being is undeniable. The hands, feet, fingers and toes, the eyes, mouth, spine, legs and arms, the brain and the beating heart all revealing the wonder of a new life already existing safely under Ely’s “baby bump.”

I wish every person could view an ultrasound. This remarkable technology is confirming what pro-life advocates have been saying for years and that which God revealed thousands of years ago in His Word, that the baby in the womb is a unique human being worthy of protection and value.

Though Christians who hold the Bible to be truthful, timeless and applicable to every facet of life are accused of ignoring good science, it is the opposite that is true. Good science, once again, is confirming Biblical truth. Good science now can detect the beating heart of a baby in the womb at as little as 5-6 weeks, often as early as a mother even knows she is pregnant.

The availabili­ty of free ultrasound at crisis pregnancy centers is now convincing a majority of women that their pregnancy is a unique, new human life and not simply a blob of random tissue. And by the way, Planned Parenthood does not offer ultrasound­s, much less free ultrasound­s. Could it be it doesn’t want women to hear that heartbeat or to see the baby growing inside them? Women in northwest Arkansas can contact www. lovingchoi­ for more informatio­n.

Because both our daughter and son were adopted, this was the first opportunit­y my wife and I have had to see a live ultrasound. It was everything I imagined it to be, and more!

David, shepherd boy, slayer of giants, King of Israel, and writer of verse and song, wrote, “For You (God) formed my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfull­y made.”

The Bible revealed the earth to be round and the orbit of planets before science discovered it. The Bible revealed the baby in the womb to be a unique individual human life worthy of protection and value long before ultrasound. We can only hope and pray that good science will affirm the same truth and willingly join the voices of those who stand for the value of human life — all human life.

I am so looking forward to being “Papa” to our first granddaugh­ter! God is good! • ••

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