The Weekly Vista

Politics as religion

- RON WOOD Ron Wood is a writer and minister. Email him at wood.stone.ron@gmail. com or visit www.touched

I don’t understand Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. Have they lost their minds? Wrong-thinking Republican­s exist, but they’re a minority. Democrat leaders all seem like a band of diehards, blind leaders of the blind, mind-numbed robots, lemmings marching over a cliff. Their policies are destructiv­e to our economy and American families. This makes me think that politician­s deserve two terms: one in Congress and one in prison.

If the news is not Trump-bashing, it’s either racism or sexual assaults. Turn off the TV in disgust! Enough of R. Kelly, Michael Jackson, Jussie Smollett, and enough of police shooting unarmed black men. The entertainm­ent industry ignores immorality until the abuse is overwhelmi­ng. The elite can bribe their kids’ way into college. Politician­s are exposed for blackface but given a pass to terminate babies at birth. Respect for civil rights is important. Protecting women from sexual assault is important. Locking up pedophiles is important. But slaughteri­ng innocent babies?

When Christ walked the earth, he faced political and religious leaders who were equally ignorant, both Pharisees (conservati­ves) and Sadducees (liberals). He declared His kingdom as the answer. Reading my Bible, I’m appalled to see modern social values — things that invoke God’s anger — that describe America. These amoral trends are deadly. They destroy nations. This is the result of repudiatin­g God, rejecting the Bible, and adopting humanism (man becomes his own god).

Hey, if socialism is so good, then why not move to Venezuela? Socialism has never benefited the middle class in any nation. It enriches elite rulers while it keeps the population poor.

Why did the prophets of the Bible express God’s anger with Israel? When they turned away from God, worshipped idols and murdered their own babies! “You made your children pass through the fire (sacrificed to idols). You took bribes (corrupt power). You shed innocent blood (abortion). Against preachers who were false prophets, the Lord said, “You’ve not made a difference between the sacred and the profane (sanctified sex versus vulgar licentious­ness). You’ve not taught the difference between clean and unclean (God’s holy standards versus atheistic secularism — “anything goes”).

What’s the remedy for this awful situation? Can nations lose their blessing from God? Sadly, Israel lost its inheritanc­e and was driven out when it went down the wrong path. A once-great nation with God’s favor lost its liberty and was carried away into slavery. In their spiritual blindness, the people of Israel even rejected their Messiah. God’s judgment came from an occupying Roman army in AD 70. Israel wasn’t restored as a nation until 1948 — 70 years ago. During Israel’s downward spiral, the Lord was faithful to raise up prophets to warn the people. He sought intercesso­rs to plead for them. Yet persistent rebellion reached a final tipping point.

Before it’s too late, I pray that America will realize God is calling us to turn from our wicked ways. We need Christians praying fervently for righteousn­ess to return to our land. We need God-honoring leaders elected who will speak up for what is right, moral and true. I believe intercesso­ry prayer is vital. Pray for God to elevate humble, honest leaders and remove corrupt, blind politician­s from America’s positions of power. The Lord said, “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap for the land …”


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