The Weekly Vista

The mess we're in


The phrase “status quo” is Latin. I jokingly say it means, “The mess we’re in!” Status quo is the present state of affairs, the actual condition of things, a report that ought to be as accurate and objective as possible. A military analogy is “give me a sitrep,” an update on the latest situation on the ground.

In America, our nation’s status quo is obscured. It’s muddied by a continual barrage of left-wing propaganda coming from Hollywood and from the liberal news media. Facts get buried. The news makes it seem like crime is rampant, the economy is doomed, war is imminent, and only Nancy Pelosi can save America. Reality is far from this. Our true status quo is not in the news.

Host Ricky Gervais recently excoriated the actors at the Golden Globe award ceremony for their vain hypocrisy. Much of what he said, surprising­ly, was dead on! To me, it seems celebritie­s freely mock any conservati­ve who gets into public office. Conservati­ve actors are blackliste­d, subject to extreme prejudice, and soon are out of work. Liberal actors live carefree lives as privileged elitists, unbounded by financial or moral restraints, lavishly funded by entertainm­ent dollars from ordinary people who slavishly watch mindless shows and movies.

The dire, biased, panicked slant on our nation’s status quo is supported by the news media. When I make that statement, know that I’m excluding local newspapers, radio or TV stations.

Local news outlets, in contrast to the New York media moguls, are more connected to the real people of their own community and generally are fair-minded. It is the hugely powerful liberal news establishm­ents owned by mega-billionair­es and giant multi-national corporatio­ns who set the national political agenda. They determine what is news. They promote Democrats, resist Republican­s, and want the USA to have no borders. They wage an ideologica­l war against America’s traditiona­l historic Christian culture — the way of life that made America the greatest nation on earth. They glibly establish their own lawless standard of right and wrong and intentiona­lly confuse issues of gender or sexual identity. They make school children a commodity, consuming their sick social agenda. They devalue the traditiona­l Bible-based family.

Generally speaking, the major media players (about 95%) support the Democrat party, are anti-Christian, behave free of moral restraint, put corporate financial gain above our nation’s interests, and gladly employ talented people who are sometimes moral pygmies, who, to this day, cover up leftist criminal, political corruption and protect the media elite’s sexual predators.

That’s the status quo as I see it. In the face of this artificial fog of projected reality (the distorted lens we viewers in America are forced to wear), the truth is out there. Contrary to the pervasive left-leaning viewpoint, President Trump is not destroying America. In fact, most Americans live in safe neighborho­ods, are doing quite well, enjoy durable marriages, and raise kids in two-parent families. Most parents actually celebrate the masculinit­y of their sons and the femininity of their daughters. They don’t want transgende­rism foisted off on their kids. Most Americans believe in hard work, pay their taxes, vote their values, practice fairness, abide by the law, support equal rights, believe in God and read the Bible.

When a disruptor comes along and blows away the fog with clear thinking or plain words, the media demigods get defensive. How dare Elijah challenge Jezebel? Who is David to take on Goliath? Truth-talkers are feared, then they are attacked. So be it. I believe praying Christians will always win. Our heritage, our children, are worth it.


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