The Weekly Vista

Possible assessment increase discussed


The Property Owners Associatio­n’s Board of Directors held a short work session on Thursday, March 17, and discussed a possible assessment increase for 2023.

An assessment increase must be approved by members via a special election. General Manager Tom Judson suggested an election could be held in the fall of 2022. If approved, the increase would begin in March of 2023, which marks the end of the threeyear moratorium promised during the last assessment election in late 2019 through early 2020.

He proposed a $3 increase for owners of improved lots and explained that during the recent membership survey, members — especially those that took part in the focus groups — indicated they would rather see small, more frequent increases rather than a large increase. The last increase in 2020 was the first one approved since 2001.

As part of the 2020 assessment plan, many user fees were eliminated or reduced for members. Without another increase, those fees may need to be raised or brought back, Judson said. He warned the board that in the past, each time user fees were raised, fewer members used the amenities resulting in a “vicious cycle” of fees going up to cover the decrease in usage.

Board Chair David Bradenburg added that small, frequent increases would make budgeting much easier.

Board member Sandy Fosdick suggested that if the POA needs an increase, both improved and unimproved lots should be included.

Judson said he’s talked with all kinds of property owners and he doesn’t believe the unimproved lot owners will support any kind of assessment increase. He said the number of improved lot owners is increasing so that could change in the future.

Bradenburg pointed out that while there’s a small number of unimproved lots owned by owners who live close enough to Bella Vista to use the amenities, most unimproved owners don’t use amenities and don’t care if user fees go up or not. He agreed that they would not support an increase.

The board will vote on the plan at the regular meeting on Thursday, March 24.

The board will also vote on paying off a water bond early, saving interest payments. The funds for the bond were included in the 2022 budget.

Also during the meeting, Judson introduced his new assistant who will become corporate secretary if the board approves. Jessica McCrary has been working as Recreation Operations Manager.

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