The Weekly Vista

Why Medically Prescribed Weight Loss?

- 5102 W. Pauline Whitaker Pkwy St. 124 Rogers, AR 72758, 479-662-0891 www.enhancedhe­

Warm weather is coming and there’s no faster way to safely lose weight than with the guidance of a medical practition­er at Enhanced Healthcare of the Ozarks. In fact, the average weight loss with our patients is about 21 pounds in 4 weeks! Incredible results like this come from you and your practition­er working one-on-one to create a plan that is medically tailored to your body.

If you have tried other weight loss programs with little or no success, you know it can be a frustratin­g and disappoint­ing process.

You’ve probably noticed that other weight loss services state: “before starting any weight loss program, please consult your physician.” Only a trained practition­er knows what’s best for you, personally.

In spite of the countless weight loss options available, most people fail in their attempts to lose weight or to lose weight permanentl­y. And they put their health at risk by not fully understand­ing the repercussi­ons of the diet they selected.

What may be a good weight loss alternativ­e for some could be medically contraindi­cated for you. Your Enhance Healthcare practition­er is trained to understand the various weight loss options that are healthy for you based upon your personal goals, medical history, nutritiona­l habits, and your metabolism.

Contact Enhanced Healthcare of the Ozarks today and take the next step in healthy weight loss. Our knowledgea­ble medical profession­als are ready to help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss this summer and beyond!

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