Times-Call (Longmont)

Director Eric Lane to resign in April


Boulder County Parks and Open Space Director Eric Lane is resigning from that position at the end of April, Boulder County commission­ers announced Wednesday.

Lane, 50, was appointed by the then-members of the Board of County Commission­ers to that depar tment’s director’s post in September 2016.

He said in an inter view that his 4 and 1/2 years in the job “have gone remarkably quickly.” He said he’d decided that it was time to resign in order to be able to achieve more of a balance of priorities between his work and his outside-of-work life.

Lane said he has no firm post-resignatio­n plans, which he said are currently “mostly to decompress.”

In a Feb. 15 email to members of his depar tment’s staf f, Lane said, “Reflecting on the past four and a half years with you, I’m really pleased with the progress we’ve made on a wide variety of issues and the continued excellent ser vice we’ve provided, despite the county’s largest fire and a global pandemic. We’ve begun to tackle head-on impor tant issues such as cultural responsive­ness and inclusion, safety, and climate action, as well as work to move the depar tment’s administra­tion towards more standard business practices and cultivate a stronger culture of collaborat­ion.”

County Commission­ers Matt Jones, Claire Levy and Marta Loachamin said in their Wednesday internal email to the entire county staff that “during Eric’s tenure with Boulder County, the Parks and Open Space depar tment has accomplish­ed a great deal.

“In addition to adding 4,070 acres of open space during the last 4.5 years, Parks and Open Space has dived deep into creating a Cultural Responsive­ness and Inclusion Strategic Plan (CRISP) to enable greater community par ticipation in POS activities in alignment with updating the depar tment’s overall Strategic Plan.

“Under Eric’s leadership, the depar tment pivoted quickly to providing services in new and different ways during the pandemic, while seeing a record number of visitors to open space properties and ensuring compliance with public health orders related to social distancing and face coverings,” the commission­ers wrote.

“As the champion of the Commission­ers’ Land and Water Stewardshi­p strategic priority area, Eric helped to shepherd impor tant public policy issues related to regional trail connection­s, management of open space lands, and wildfire recover y. We are grateful for all that he has contribute­d during his public ser vice with Boulder County,” the commission­ers said in their email to county employees.

Prior to being named in 2016 to fill the county Parks and Open Space Department director position — one that was being vacated by longtime director Ron Stewart’s retirement — Lane was the Colorado Department of Agricultur­e’s conser vation ser vices director from December 2006 through April 2016..

Lane’s current Boulder County salar y is $135,658 a year, according to county spokespers­on Barb Halpin.

The county will now adver tise the position and conduct a nationwide search to recruit and hire Lane’s replacemen­t, the commission­ers said, a process they said could take about six months.

In the interim, two other Parks and Open Space staf f members, Real Estate Division Manager Janis Whisman and Resource Planning Manager Jef f Moline, will be stepping into co-director leadership roles through this transition to a new permanent director, starting with Lane’s departure on April 28.

Boulder County owns and manages about 65,900 acres of open space and holds conser vation easements to restrict future developmen­t on about 39,500 other acres currently owned by private parties, according to one of the depar tment’s web pages, tinyurl.com/ 3reufkpd.

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