Times-Call (Longmont)

The Fort Worth Star-telegram on the Texas governor’s decision to lift coronaviru­s restrictio­ns:


Before issuing his order to end mask mandates, Gov. Greg Abbott must not have looked at the recent numbers of coronaviru­s deaths in Texas. Or worse, he did and decided that the 59 deaths reported Monday is good enough.

Either way, the governor’s order Tuesday to end the statewide mask mandate and business capacity restrictio­ns is a mistake. Even with recent improvemen­t in COVID-19 case totals, hospitaliz­ations and deaths, the pandemic is not over. Another spike is possible before enough people are vaccinated to finally squelch the disease’s spread, and Abbott’s order makes it more likely we’ll see one in Texas.

The governor was careful to say that everyone should still take personal responsibi­lity and adhere to public health recommenda­tions. And many no doubt will. But plenty will hear only that the governor says we’re in the clear and ditch their facial coverings. Sending that message, even wrapped in a careful warning about the need to follow guidelines, is irresponsi­ble.

At a minimum, Abbott should have given local of ficials flexibilit­y. His new order appears to offer no wiggle room whatsoever.

The position the governor has put businesses in, too, is maddening. Many would no doubt like to continue requiring masks, if only for the sake of their potentiall­y vulnerable employees. They still can, but it raises the risk of confrontat­ion and makes it harder to justify such a requiremen­t when the governor declares it’s time to end it.

Large chains will probably keep their mask requiremen­ts, though it will be harder for individual locations to enforce them. And local businesses risk antagonizi­ng customers they need to sur vive.

Why do this now? Why, when the news is so good on cases, hospitaliz­ations and vaccine production, increase the danger? Why, with spring break and its associated travel and activity around the corner, send the message that we can let our guard down?

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