Times-Call (Longmont)

Los Angeles Times on Biden’s moves to curb gun violence:


President Joe Biden announced a slate of actions Thursday aimed at fulfilling his campaign promise to combat the proliferat­ion of firearms and gun violence that kill some 40,000 people a year in this countr y. But the moves, while necessar y and welcome, also spotlight how few options a president has for addressing an issue that’s critical to public safety and public health.

The fact is, there just isn’t a lot a president can do unilateral­ly when it comes to gun control, the template for which is dictated is by Congress. Lawmakers have given the administra­tion limited regulator y authority over firearms, and Biden directed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to develop new rules on sales of gun parts that can, with a little machine work, be assembled into untraceabl­e weapons called ghost guns.

He also ordered regulation­s on stabilizer­s that in effect convert unregulate­d assault-style handguns into ersatz rifles, like the one used in the Boulder massacre two weeks ago. What those regulation­s ultimately will say is the dangling question, but to be effective, they must at a minimum treat core parts like fully functional firearms, including requiring trackable serial numbers.

The bulk of the president’s agenda, though, is actually a wish list for congressio­nal action. Biden reiterated his support for two bills the House passed in March that would expand mandator y background checks to include nearly ever y transfer of a firearm, a long-overdue requiremen­t. He also endorsed a far-too-modest proposal that would extend from three days to 10 the amount of time the government has to complete a background check before the sale can proceed by default. That bill would only partially close a dangerous loophole.

These are all common sense approaches to reduce gun deaths, and it’s disturbing that they are such heavy lifts in a Congress so beholden to the myth that an armed nation is a safer nation. But that’s the political reality that Americans, and Biden, are confronted with. Let the fight begin.

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