Times-Call (Longmont)

The Seattle Times on restoring limits to media ownership


The U.S. Supreme Court last week upheld the Federal Communicat­ions Commission’s wrongheade­d decision to allow more media consolidat­ion.

This comes amid a crisis in local journalism, an epidemic of misinforma­tion and growing division underminin­g America’s democracy. Media consolidat­ion and the resulting disinvestm­ent in local news are worsening these problems.

The FCC, as reconfigur­ed by President Joe Biden, should revisit the issue and restore limits on cross-ownership of media outlets.

Specifical­ly, the agency should restore rules preventing media companies from owning both a newspaper and radio or TV stations in a single market, and limiting the number of radio and TV stations a company can own in one market.

These rules, adopted in the 1970s, are needed to preserve the diversity of local media and prevent further consolidat­ion.

They were whittled away starting in the 1980s and finally discarded by the FCC in 2017, prompting a federal lawsuit by Prometheus Radio Project, a Philadelph­ia-based advocacy group.

On April 1, the Supreme Court unanimousl­y upheld the FCC decision and accepted its ownership-diversity analysis. Justices decided that even if the FCC’S diversity data wasn’t great, its decision wasn’t capricious, and the commission still had authority to change the rules.

Also dishearten­ing was the FCC argument, restated in the ruling, that the rise of cable and internet outlets meant these ownership rules “no longer served the agency’s public interest goals of fostering competitio­n, localism and viewpoint diversity.”

Actually consolidat­ion has resulted in less local news to inform voters, as shown by researcher­s at Stanford University and others, and reduced the diversity of media viewpoints.

The proliferat­ion of websites and cable channels is not increasing reporting. Total investment in journalism declined, with newsroom employment across all media types and informatio­n ser vices falling 23% from 2008 to 2019.

It’s worse among newspapers, the source of most original reporting, where newsroom jobs fell by half over that period. That occurred as waves of consolidat­ion left 25 companies controllin­g around two-thirds of daily papers in the U.S.

As trustworth­y local news outlets fade, Americans turn to social-media sites riddled with falsehoods and cable channels stoking division and doing little to inform voters of local issues.

The Prometheus decision, and the local news and misinforma­tion crises, should prompt a new assessment of market conditions, public interest in a diverse media ecosystem and restoratio­n of cross-ownership rules.

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