Times-Call (Longmont)

Trump goes after Pence, Mcconnell in speech to donors


PALM BEACH, Fla. — It was supposed to be a unifying weekend for a Republican Par ty at war with itself over former President Donald Trump’s divisive leadership. But Trump himself shattered two days of relative peace in his closing remarks to the GOP’S top donors when he insulted the par ty’s Senate leader and his wife.

Ahead of the invitation­only speech at Trump’s new home inside his Mara-lago resort, the former president’s advisers said he would emphasize his commitment to his par ty and Republican unity.

Trump veered sharply from prepared remarks Saturday night and instead slammed Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., as a “stone-cold loser” and mocked Mcconnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, who was Trump’s transporta­tion secretar y.

Trump also said he was “disappoint­ed” in his vice president, Mike Pence, and used a profanity in assessing Mcconnell, according to multiple people in attendance who were not authorized to publicly discuss what was said in a private session. He said Mcconnell had not thanked him properly for putting Chao, who was labor secretar y under President George W. Bush, in his Cabinet.

Mcconnell’s of fice did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment Sunday.

Trump’s words left some attendees feeling uncomforta­ble.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich did not defend Trump as he left Palm Beach on Sunday.

“We are much better off if we keep focusing on the Democrats. Period,” Gingrich said.

Saturday’s speech was the final address of the Republican National Committee’s weekend donor summit in Palm Beach. Most of the RNC’S closeddoor gathering was held at a luxur y hotel a few miles away from Mar-a-lago; attendees were bused to Trump’s club for his remarks.

While a significan­t faction of the Republican Party hopes to move past Trump’s divisive leadership, the location of the event — and the former president’s prominent speaking slot — suggests that the GOP, at least for now, is not ready to replace Trump as its undisputed leader and chief fundraiser.

Ahead of his latest attack on fellow Republican­s, Trump’s team reported that his remarks were intended to reinforce his continued leadership role in Republican affairs, a sharp break from past presidents.

“Saturday’s speech will be welcomed words to the Republican donors visiting Mar-a-lago to hear directly from President Trump,” Trump adviser Jason Miller said. “Palm Beach is the new political power center, and President Trump is the Republican Par ty’s best messenger.”

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