Times-Call (Longmont)

Northern Colorado business people petition government to end supplement­al unemployme­nt benefits


Cassandra Ibarra:

Has nothing to do with wage because we are way above minimum-wage. Has everything to do with the price gouging cost of living in Colorado. … I think there’s a need for laws to be put in place to keep people from price gouging necessitie­s here. Maybe start with a bill to cap off rent so people aren’t paying $2,000 for a one bedroom.

Agreed. So many now-hiring signs, business’ short staffed everywhere. Enough is enough. There was a need in the beginning. Now it’s time to go back to work.

To those on unemployme­nt who could be working: “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” — Ephesians 4:28, King James Bible

Kristen Cherry Hooven: Scott Evans: Rodney Smith:

Get bent, Republican­s. Federal dollars flowing into the state are good for the state. Guess they’ll be super pissed when they find out folks are getting $300 monthly checks per child.

Terrance Meeks:

Business owner are pissed that they can’t pay starving wages to people right now so they can make more money.

Ernest Valdez:

That unemployme­nt stuff needs to end. These people aren’t going to know how to work anymore.

Pay a fair wage, pay more than the bare minimum. Also, remember how many parents are at home with their kids. September is right around the corner.

End unemployme­nt payments right as “I have a baby now pay me” payments go out!

Lori Bryan: Stephen Holguin:

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