Times-Call (Longmont)

Israeli police storm Jerusalem holy site after rock-throwing


JERUSALEM — Israeli police in full riot gear stormed a sensitive Jerusalem holy site sacred to Jews and Muslims on Friday after Palestinia­n youths hurled stones at a gate where they were stationed.

The renewed violence at the site, which is sacred to

Jews and Muslims, came despite Israel temporaril­y halting Jewish visits, which are seen by the Palestinia­ns as a provocatio­n.

Medics said more than two dozen Palestinia­ns were wounded before the clashes subsided hours later.

Friday evening, Israel said Palestinia­n militants in Gaza fired two rockets from the territory. One rocket landed in an open area in southern Israel and the other fell in Gaza.

Palestinia­n media reported that two Gaza residents were injured from the rocket that landed short. There was no immediate comment from local health officials.

In Jerusalem, Tens of thousands of Muslims took part in the main Friday prayers at midday, which were held as planned.

Palestinia­ns and Israeli police have regularly clashed at the site over the last week at a time of heightened tensions following a string of deadly attacks inside Israel and arrest raids in the occupied West Bank.

Three rockets have been fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the Islamic militant group Hamas.

The string of events has raised fears of a repeat of last year, when protests and violence in Jerusalem eventually boiled over, helping to ignite an 11-day war between Israel and Hamas, and communal violence in Israel’s mixed cities.

Palestinia­n youths hurled stones toward police at a gate leading into the compound, according to two Palestinia­n witnesses who spoke on condition of anonymity out of security concerns.

The police, in full riot gear, then entered the compound, firing rubber bullets and stun grenades.

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