Times-Call (Longmont)

St. Louis Post-dispatch on the Supreme Court leak:


The leaked draft of five conservati­ve justices’ decision to overturn Roe v. Wade calls into question, like never before, the Supreme Court’s legitimacy in the eyes of the American public. Justices have long been united across philosophi­cal lines in voicing their respect for precedent and establishe­d law. But now, everything is up for grabs. Americans have good reason to question whether rulings protecting the right to use contracept­ives, or gay marriage, or the right to privacy are, in fact, the final word. In the eyes of the American public, political affiliatio­n — not the Constituti­on — should now be regarded as the determinin­g factor in future Supreme Court rulings.

Perception matters because the Supreme Court’s legitimacy hangs on the public’s respect for its rulings, which until now have been couched in imagery of blackrobed legal scholars thoughtful­ly poring over prior legal cases and parsing the Founding Fathers’ writings to carefully arrive at a balanced and fair decision. Their mascot was Lady Justice, blind to outside political influences and carrying scales that tip only in favor of justice.

Today’s justices deserve to be regarded as little more than robed politician­s who have already made up their minds, often based on personal religious bias. The majority’s rationale in this case is that because the Constituti­on is silent on the abortion question, the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision cannot stand. ...

The fact that this unpreceden­ted leak occurred further undermines the public image of the court as a supposedly sophistica­ted deliberati­ve body. Add to that a recent history of political subterfuge that determined the court’s conservati­ve balance not because of the people’s will but because Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell gamed the system in Republican­s’ favor.

Then there’s the fact that Justice Alito got his job thanks to a president, George W. Bush, who didn’t win his first election but got into office thanks to a Supreme Court ruling in his favor.

Lady Justice might as well hang up the blindfold and throw away those scales. ...

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