Times-Call (Longmont)

Other rights don’t matter without the right to life

- — Marion R. Hill, Longmont

A reader recently wrote to the Open Forum saying the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion must not stand. This person was outraged about an unborn’s right to be birthed. Doesn’t our Declaratio­n of Independen­ce state we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? What good are the second two without the first? I never thought Catholics were “a very small group of radicals,” but perhaps after you subtract Joey and Nancy we fall into that category. There are rumors some Protestant­s, Baptists, Mormons, Episcopali­ans and others may think along similar lines as Catholics on this subject, but subtractin­g the Colorado Democratic Legislatur­e from this group probably does drop it back into the small group category as well.

The writer further notes a woman has a duty to herself to make her own health care decisions and to be responsibl­e for those choices. I agree. If a woman decides to indulge in activity that results in pregnancy she should be responsibl­e to see the life she has created is supported and protected. As well should the man who is equally responsibl­e. After all, the act is a choice, not a requiremen­t. In addition there are choices that can be made prior to the act to prevent pregnancy.

The most encouragin­g news is the story of the conjoined twins in Texas who were just recently separated. May God bless the parents who had the courage not to abort these children as well as those who planned and worked for hours to perform the separation. Upon occasion, our best side still shows. It shows when we go to extremes to protect “preemies” and when we adopt those without parents. My words will not change much, but I wish to speak for those who cannot.

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