Times-Call (Longmont)

Older couple adopts baby

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR AMY >> My husband and I recently adopted a sweet baby boy.

We started out as foster parents with parental reunificat­ion as the goal. Unfortunat­ely, the parents were not able to satisfy the requiremen­ts of the social agencies involved, and none of his other relatives were able to adopt him.

Due to our age (in our 60’s), we were doubtful the judge would grant our request to adopt our son, but we have since learned that there are grandparen­ts and even greatgrand­parents adopting children.

Fortunatel­y, the judge recognized the bond we all had and allowed us to adopt this dear baby.

This was a long and very stressful process, but for the love and safety of this child we would do it all over again.

My question is this: When we are out in public, people will inevitably ask, “grandson?”

When we say, “parents” people are understand­ably shocked.

Should we just ignore the incredulou­s looks or say, “adoptive parents?”

It is very important to us that this baby boy does not feel any less than our own biological child.

How should we respond? — Older, Wiser,


DEAR HAPPIER >> In adopting your son, you’ve joined the growing demographi­c of elders raising children. Almost 3 million American grandparen­ts have full responsibi­lity for raising grandchild­ren; countless other grandparen­ts, greatgrand­parents, and other elders provide part-time childcare.

In terms of responding to people who assume you are grandparen­ts, while your son is young you might say, “We’re parents! The adoption came through last year.” When your son is older and aware of the question, you can simply respond brightly, “We’re not grandparen­ts — we’re his proud parents!”

Make sure to include your son in his adoption story starting now. He’s likely to encounter this question many times, from a different angle.

Even when this query is annoying, I hope you will always lead with your joy.

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