Times-Call (Longmont)

Arts center would benefit Longmont


The ballot measure for an arts center in Longmont has been approved and voted on unanimousl­y by the City Council and will appear on the ballot in November to be decided by the citizens of Longmont. The Timescall has followed this proposal with care on how developing the sugar factory location, while rememberin­g the past, by removing the blight and replacing it with something beautiful and badly needed.

Longmont is surrounded by entertainm­ent venues. Our arts community currently has no place to call home. Young people have no opportunit­y to enjoy and take part in the arts to build confidence and broaden their understand­ing of the diversity that is available in the art world. Seniors and the disadvanta­ged of Longmont are unable to improve their quality of life without traveling out of town and the problems and expenses such travel would involve. Those with health and memory issues would be able to benefit from access to the arts, thus improving their lives.

We are already blessed with an education system that understand­s the value to our young people that comes from being exposed and involved in the arts. They are encouraged to learn discipline and to work with others to achieve a common goal.

It is known that being involved with the arts improves learning and socializat­ion in all other academic subjects.

The economic benefit of such a center would have a huge impact on our sales tax base from local businesses, such as restaurant­s. Keeping the entertainm­ent dollars from surroundin­g communitie­s would profit the city by attracting a variety of groups from all genres to perform in such a facility. Such a center would be visible to all and announce that Longmont has always been a forward-thinking community and willing to plan for the future.

— Judith Watson, Longmont

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