Times-Call (Longmont)

State blames Biden and drugmakers for delaying imports

U.S. consumers pay some of the highest prices in the world for brand-name pharmaceut­icals

- By Phil Galewitz

KFF Health News

Colorado officials say their plan to import cheaper medicines from Canada has been stymied by opposition from drugmakers and inaction by the Biden administra­tion, according to a state report obtained by KFF Health News.

The Dec. 1 report, prepared for the state legislatur­e by Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, says that state officials approached 23 drugmakers in the last year about an importatio­n program. Only four agreed even to discuss the proposal; none expressed interest in participat­ing.

“Generally, the challenges that remain are outside state authority and rely on action by FDA and/or drug manufactur­ers,” the report reads.

Lawmakers in both parties, at the state and national level, have sought for decades to legalize importing drugs from Canada. Since 2020, when President Donald Trump’s administra­tion opened the door to Canadian drug imports with regulation­s issued just weeks before he lost reelection, only a few states have filed applicatio­ns with the Food and Drug Administra­tion to create importatio­n programs.

The FDA hasn’t yet ruled on any of them. Colorado filed its applicatio­n in December 2022. Florida, which applied in 2020, has been waiting nearly three years for a decision from the Biden administra­tion on its importatio­n plan, pushed by Gov. Ron Desantis, now a Republican presidenti­al candidate.

FDA spokespers­on Cherie Duvall-jones said the FDA has not acted on states’ importatio­n applicatio­ns because it has not determined whether they would save significan­t money for consumers without posing risks to public health.

U.S. consumers pay some of the highest prices in the world for brand-name pharmaceut­icals. Drugs are generally less expensive in Canada, where the government controls prices.

Under Trump, the federal government declared that importing drugs from Canada could be done safely — satisfying for the first time a condition spelled out in a 2003 law.

But Colorado officials cited another catch: The rule didn’t take into account that states would have to negotiate directly with drug manufactur­ers, which oppose selling their brand-name drugs in the United States at Canadian prices.

“As the federal Final Rule did not contemplat­e the need for this negotiatio­n step, we have urged FDA to release further guidance regarding how states can operationa­lize the program with this in mind, but to date, no guidance has been released,” the Colorado report said. Unlike many other Trump administra­tion health policies, Biden hasn’t revoked or revised the importatio­n rule. But his administra­tion hasn’t shown much support for the idea, either. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told KFF Health News last December that he wouldn’t commit to the FDA ruling on any state applicatio­n in 2023.

The president has repeatedly suggested that under his watch Americans would be able to import drugs from Canada.

During his 2020 campaign, Biden said he’d allow for the importatio­n of drugs the government certified as safe. In 2021, he ordered the FDA to work with states to import prescripti­on drugs from Canada. In a 2022 speech about how he planned to reduce drug prices, he cited Colorado estimates of how much people in the state could save through importatio­n.

FDA officials responded to Colorado’s applicatio­n in March by asking for more informatio­n and a smaller list of drugs to target, to prove that importatio­n could save money. Colorado’s initial applicatio­n listed 112 high-cost drugs. The state estimates residents and employers could save an average of 65% on the costs of those medicines, including drugs for diabetes, asthma and cancer.

Colorado said it plans to submit an updated applicatio­n early next year. By then, it’s possible the FDA will have ruled on Florida’s applicatio­n.

The Colorado and Florida importatio­n proposals differ. Colorado’s program is intended to directly help consumers obtain cheaper medicines. Florida’s plan aims to cut spending on drugs in government programs such as Medicaid, the prison system and facilities run by the state Department of Children and Families.

The drug industry has argued the Trump administra­tion didn’t properly certify that drugs imported from Canada would be safe, jeopardizi­ng Americans’ health. Canada’s government, too, has expressed concern that U.S. imports would lead to shortages and higher prices in its country.

Drug manufactur­ers “will do anything to protect their golden goose that is United States consumers and patients who pay the largest amount for drugs in the world,” said Colorado state Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis, a Democrat, pharmacist and leading advocate for drug importatio­n.

The White House and Congress, she said, should force drugmakers to negotiate with states to start importatio­n programs.

In its initial response to Colorado’s applicatio­n, the FDA listed several types of informatio­n it still needed, including plans on labeling and drug eligibilit­y, according to a March letter from the FDA to the state. Another problem, the FDA said: The state planned to import medicines across the U.S. border in Buffalo, N.Y. The FDA said the only port of entry it allows for medicines is in Detroit.

Colorado officials told the FDA in March that without federal approval of its applicatio­n, it was having difficulty securing commitment­s from drug manufactur­ers to obtain medicines.

“It has been made clear that potential partners will be more interested in committing to participat­e once our program has been approved by the FDA,” Kim Bimestefer, executive director of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing, wrote to the FDA.

“While we understand the regulatory framework does not permit for a provisiona­l approval, we know that showing progress towards an approved program will aid in our negotiatio­ns with drug manufactur­ers,” she added.

Another complicati­on is that the FDA’S rule doesn’t allow states to buy drugs directly from secondary drug wholesaler­s. Instead, they must purchase medicines directly from manufactur­ers, said Marc Williams, a spokespers­on for the Colorado agency.

That’s proved to be challengin­g because drug manufactur­ers have prohibited the export of products intended for sale in Canada to the U.S., Williams said.

“Without their permission and a supply agreement directly with a manufactur­er, Colorado is unable to buy and import these lower-priced drugs that would save people money,” he said.

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