Times-Call (Longmont)


- — T.W. — Have you picked up zero waste ideas while traveling? Send your thoughts and questions to recycle@ecocycle.org or call Eco-cycle at 303-4446634.

DEAR TEE CEE >> I am headed out of state for the holidays and wondered if you have any tips on how to be less wasteful while traveling.

DEAR T.W. >> Taking your zero waste habits on the road may present challenges, but fear not — there are ways to reduce waste even when you’re away from home. While travel comes with its own set of variables, here are some general tips to keep your environmen­tal impact in check during your adventures:

PACK FOR REUSE >> Eating and drinking on the go is par for the course when traveling, but it doesn’t have to result in unnecessar­y waste. Equip yourself with a classic zero waste reuse kit that comes in handy whether you’re down the street or across the globe. Your checklist should include foldable reusable bags, a hot beverage container, a water bottle, a napkin and reusable utensils. (Opt for bamboo or durable plastic when flying.)


GUIDELINES >> Recycling (and composting) rules can vary by location, depending on factors like the presence of regional recycling facilities and accessible markets that buy recycled materials to turn them into something new. That’s why something that may be recyclable here in Boulder County may not be recyclable on your travels. For example, we have a glass recycling facility just down the road in Broomfield, while other states may not have one at all. Research local guidelines at your destinatio­n to ensure you’re disposing of waste responsibl­y.

REFUSE SINGLE-USE >> Politely decline single-use bags and food service ware like napkins, straws and plastic utensils. Small actions, like saying no to unnecessar­y disposable­s, make a difference and signal to businesses that customers prefer choices over automatica­lly receiving single-use items they may not need.

SKIP THE SOUVENIRS >> Instead of buying pricey souvenirs, focus on capturing memories through photos. Living in the moment and immersing yourself in the travel experience can be more meaningful than accumulati­ng material possession­s.

LEARN AS YOU GO >> One of the best things about traveling is experienti­al learning. Waste systems can vary wildly from basic trash collection to more advanced, innovative systems. Take note of the waste programs in the areas you visit; it’s likely a chance to appreciate the progress of zero waste systems in Boulder County.

Happy zero waste travels! — Tee Cee

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