Times-Call (Longmont)

Your daily astrology

- Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency

Aries: Despite your heroism, some people just aren’t validators and you may feel disappoint­ed if there isn’t enough acknowledg­ement of your contributi­ons. People mat know your value, but it’s most powerful to learn to validate yourself.

Taurus: You may be filled with optimism and believe that ample rewards are on their way. Try to subdue any brief bursts of desire for extravagan­t goodies that aren’t essential in your quest to live your best life.

Gemini: Perfection is a perpetual mirage; don’t blame yourself or others when it’s missed. No one is perfect; everyone is a package deal, you get the so-so, or worse, right along with the good. Keep realistic expectatio­ns.

Cancer: Spread your light far and wide. Some contacts help you function in a profession­al environmen­t and some are just for fun.

Keep your network strong by investing in others; they can be there for you later.

Leo: New love and selfwork can be very isolating. So can being in something you can’t divulge to anyone. Try to find safe people to talk to, whether it’s about a new crush, something you’re not proud of, or just to know you’re not alone.

Virgo: Your charm could be enhanced, which can make you appear trustworth­y and attractive. Remember that any dishonesty eventually comes to light and erodes trust, even if someone temporaril­y keeps the peace.

Libra: The One for now might not be The One forever. People appear different as you grow and evolve, and whether and how they do their own growing is up to them. If you’re between relationsh­ips, take time to learn from old patterns.

Scorpio: Someone might make an appeal to your generous nature, examine their potential motives and history to decide whether you want to give of yourself. Uphold boundaries and don’t succumb to coercion or act against your best interests.

Sagittariu­s: Follow inspiring examples: Someone displaying real authentici­ty and integrity can light your way. A few words in the right ear might make all the difference; don’t let opportunit­ies to express good things pass you by.

Capricorn: Life can be more fun when shared. A companion can add to the joy and also share the expense — someone to go in with you on something big can cut costs. Be generous with humor, but cautious with your budget.

Aquarius: Clever isn’t good if it’s just another name for cruel. Take the time to think about the potential emotional impact before whipping out snappy answers. Considerat­ion for others can be more important than showing your wit.

Pisces: Knowledge, intelligen­ce, and wisdom are all different things. Knowledge is a tool, and it’s what you do with it that makes it good or bad. The wisest and most intelligen­t choices lead to the best outcomes. If March 25 is your birthday: Your social life could be on steroids during the upcoming three to four weeks, when group gatherings and friends may dominate your schedule. You might overthink or outfox yourself in May, so it might not be a good time to change your business tactics or make financial decisions.

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