Times-Call (Longmont)

The Los Angeles Times on how Netanyahu’s government is to blame for rift in historic Israel-us alliance:


Israel has pulled most of its troops from southern Gaza amid talks over the release of the more than 100 hostages held by Hamas since its Oct. 7 attack that killed about 1,200 people. It has also reopened previously closed entry points for food and water to prevent Palestinia­n civilians from starving after the Israeli military destroyed much of the infrastruc­ture in counteratt­acks that have killed more than 33,000 in six months of warfare.

These are positive developmen­ts but, given the level of death and destructio­n in Gaza, there is little room for cheer.

In the wake of the Hamas attack, Israel had the support and sympathy of much of the world. But the unremittin­g fierceness of its actions in Gaza eroded that goodwill so swiftly and completely that even President Joe Biden has expressed increasing levels of dismay over the actions and attitudes of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

Indiscrimi­nate bombing, Biden said in December, was costing Israel internatio­nal support.

Israel’s military response, he said after prepared remarks at a February news conference, were “over the top.”

Biden was particular­ly critical — appropriat­ely so — of the inability of humanitari­an relief workers to get food and water to Gaza’s 2.3 million people, many of whom face famine . ...

The situation may have reached a turning point with Israel’s April 1 attack that killed seven aid workers in a World Central Kitchen convoy. They are among the more than 200 aid workers who have been killed in the war.

... Biden called for measurable steps to, as Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken recounted, “address civilian harm, humanitari­an suffering and the safety of aid workers.” The president told the Israeli leader that “U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these steps,” according to Blinken.

That stops short of demands by some members of Congress to condition continuing U.S. military aid to changes in Israel’s conduct of the war.

But it comes close.

The most positive developmen­t now would be for the lull in fighting to lead to hostage releases and a lasting cease-fire. If that’s not to be, though, it will be time for Biden to follow up on his warning to Netanyahu by finally requiring that Israel meet the same standards as other nations that receive U.S. military aid . ...

It is Hamas that keeps the war going by continuing to hold the hostages it brutally kidnapped in its October attack.

But it is Israel‘s retaliator­y actions in Gaza that may be leading the U.S. to reassess the two nations’ relationsh­ip.

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