Times-Call (Longmont)

Your daily astrology

- Magi Helena,

Aries: Place your bets on yourself. Your odds of improving are far higher than if you had never bothered to try in the first place. Start investing in your future and you will be closer to your goal next year.

Taurus: The latest technology could trigger a brilliant idea or help you achieve your goals. Find creative ways to maximize your resources while minimizing things that are not leading in the right direction for now.

Gemini: Always uphold commitment­s, otherwise, don’t allow yourself to be weighed down by something after the novelty has worn off. Show your dedication by doing the work and being prepared.

Cancer: Extend courtesy and pleasantri­es if it feels genuine and from the heart, but don’t feel pressured to give excessivel­y out of obligation. Don’t let yourself be defined by the thoughts or opinions of others.

Leo: If simply reaching the base goal is all that matters, you might be happy settling for the lowest tier. It’s worth the time and effort to keep going. This can be more than another goal.

Virgo: Don’t be so quick to think someone has a hidden agenda; but know you have the power to pick up on things if you pay attention. Don’t let the fear of deception interfere with reaching your goal.

Libra: Don’t let what did not go right in your past cause pain; instead, learn the lesson. Just obsessing without learning will hurt your chances of making progress. Remember what your goal means to you.

Scorpio: A past situation may have been studied and transforme­d beyond recognitio­n, but it can still cause discomfort when it shows up in a new version. Do what you can to slow down rumors; focus on lightheart­ed enjoyment.

Sagittariu­s: Invest in a useful indulgence. Spend your money on an upgraded version of something you’d buy anyway. Quality might last longer and save money when you won’t have to constantly replace it.

Capricorn: Your habits have a greater impact than you may realize, they may affect important occasions and how quickly you reach your goals. Since your conduct matters, work on your reputation to increase your chances of success.

Aquarius: What looks like a great deal may not be as it appears at first glance. Take the time to look at the situation, understand what could go on.

Pisces: Pay attention to details and maintain selfesteem and resilience selfprotec­tion against people who may want to use your shortcomin­gs against you. Continue to show up with confidence.

If April 17 is your birthday: During the week ahead, your social life may be too distractin­g to get much accomplish­ed, but once you take the focus away from everyone else, you can focus more on your needs.

Put the wheels in motion to set up the framework for some important plans once your competitiv­e spirit is aroused.

May, when you could be wiser than usual, might be a time to make irrevocabl­e decisions or to initiate crucial plans. Consider embracing advice and any opportunit­ies that arrive, and you could be able to build a lasting framework of peace and security.

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