Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Lower Moreland


Theft … On Sept. 20 at 10:03 a.m. an employee of Manor Health Care reported $10 and her children’s Social Security cards went missing sometime Sept. U around 7 a.m.

According to police, there has been a string of similar thefts at the facility.

DUI … On Sept. 19 at U:02 p.m. police observed a white Honda CRu parked on Terwood Drive and observed the Delaware registrati­on was expired, police said.

Upon speaking to the driver, Victoria Odolski, 30, of the 2300 block of Woodward Street, Philadelph­ia, police detected an odor of alcoholic beverage on her person, police said. Police also found she was hearing impaired, police said.

Police administer­ed a PBT, which revealed a 0.1U percent BAC, police said. She also failed field sobriety testing, police said.

She was transporte­d to Holy Redeemer Hospital for blood tests, but she became argumentat­ive and was disturbing other patients in the hospital, police said. Due to her hearing impairment, the nurses at the hospital said they could not take blood, police said.

She was then transporte­d to the Upper Moreland Police Department for further testing on the Datamaster Breath Test, which yielded a BAC of 0.017 percent, police said. She was then charged with DUI and other related offences, police said.

Suspicious persons … On Sept. 1U at 4:33 p.m. a resident in the 3600 block of Edencroft Road reported two males who knocked on her door requesting to purchase a car parked in her driveway. They male suspects left and she believes them to be suspicious as the car did not have a for sale sign on it, police said.

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