Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Who would vote for Gopthis election? Poll workers will do the right thing


To the editor:

Just weeks away from the general election and I am shocked that any American, let alone anyone in Pennsylvan­ia, would even consider voting Republican in this election.

Republican­s are doing their damnedest to deny Americans in some states, including Pennsylvan­ia, the most precious and sacred of all rights - the right to vote. They have boasted that it is one more manipulati­on to give a party that has lost its compass a way to win. Don’t for a minute think this is only to help Gov. Mitt Romney. They know if they cannot keep the old, young and poor from voting, the GOP won’t have to worry about a “big tent,” they’ll all fit comfortabl­y in a “pup tent.”

I know of three Republican­s nationwide that I could consider voting for (I won’t name them because that is enough to get them forced out of the GOPF. That’s what happened to the many others I found to be honest statesmen and women with integrity. They are not welcome in today’s GOP.

We must demand Romney show at least 10 years of his tax filings. It is more important than ever since he has declared secretly, then proudly and openly, that those who do not pay income taxes (including seniors, military, poor and disabledF are lazy and irresponsi­ble. By right of what moral high ground does he declare them irresponsi­ble or lazy?

How is it possible that any patriotic American can con- sider voting for anyone who has offshore accounts in the Caymans and Switzerlan­d for the purpose of tax evasion? Those of us in the 99% would go to prison for that. A man who sees fit to invest in other countries rather than this one is not morally fit to be president. Pirate, yes, not president.

Israel should take note that Romney and the religious right are only interested in Israel as a stepping-stone to the “Rapture,” not the survivabil­ity of Israel or for that matter the world. Muslim extremists have dreams of virgins; the extreme right religious have their dream of the “End Times.” Barbara MurrowSchw­artz Abington To the editor:

An editorial and a letter in the Times Chronicle, 9L13L12, addressed the voter ID issue in Pennsylvan­ia.

One situation is sure to come up on Nov. 6 in every precinct across the state: a registered voter comes to a polling place without the required photo ID and states that an extraordin­ary burden prevented himLher from adhering to the strict requiremen­ts of the law.

Can local officials accept the usual, customary evidence of identifica­tion

exceptiona­l, hardship cases? I think so.

The ancient Greeks called it epikeia, a benign way of interpreti­ng the law when obstacles, unforeseen and unintended by the legislator­s, place extreme burdens on some who are subject to the law. That’s the situation I foresee, and I trust that officials at the polling places will be fair-minded and considerat­e. Frank McGinty

Jenkintown you know who is representi­ng you at this very first entry level to your government? If it is determined that none of you are interested — then they can “appoint” others to those positions — and keep your government ever “closer to the vest” — their vest — and away from your oversight. Try to find out who your committee people are. Call me to let me know how hard it is. They should have made themselves known to you IMO. But can you even find them if you try? iora iehmann Meadowbroo­k 215-UU5-7134

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