Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Reader responds to writer’s letter


To the editor:

As I read Mr. Gleason’s letter about Pennsylvan­ia’s voter ID law I imagined him laughing hysterical­ly while he typed away.

Were you laughing, Mr. Gleason? That would help me know if I should be laughing with you or at you. vou certainly can’t believe that the intention of the law is a more fair election.

I too wish to have elections that are untouched by voter fraud. However, the timing of this legislatio­n smells bad. It smells to me like an attempt at voter suppressio­n to win the state for Mr. Romney. Mike Turzai as much as said so.

Is there a need for this law at this time? Pennsylvan­ia state lawyers have admitted that they knew of no cases of “in person” voter fraud. How prevalent could it be? How many voters will be turned away or may not vote due to this law? According to estimates by the University of Washington and the University of New Mexico, perhaps hundreds of thousands of voters could be affected. Don’t you see an ethical problem here? What is the bigger evil?

On a personal note I can tell you how I believe this would have affected my mother. Although she is now deceased I believe that this may have taken away her ability to vote. After health issues made it impossible to drive she let her license expire. Even if she knew about the need for an ID she would not have gone to the trouble to obtain one. Health issues, distance, money, “not wanting to trouble her children,” etc., would have kept her from getting one. She voted all her adult life and I believe this law would have stopped her

Would you really turn away or discourage voters to win an election you feel you can’t win otherwise? Is this the will of the people? Is this a more fair election? What have our elected officials become? Bruce Asam Elkins Park gonna allow Gov. Romney to win the state of Pennsylvan­ia … done, and signed by a Republican Gov. (who is currently trying to take away your health careF, it appears that our elected officials are motivated more by their own political aspiration­s and much less by passing good, honest legislatio­n that’s best for all their constituen­ts.

While some estimates show that up to U00,000 Pennsylvan­ians lack a photo ID — that’s potentiall­y 9 percent of the voters in our state that may not get the chance to vote this November — there has been zero cases of voter fraud, which the new law supposedly addresses.

Since our Republican leaders can’t win an election the old fashioned way with newer, better, fresher candidates with newer, better and fresher ideas, it appears that they have now attempted to rig the elections that clearly precludes a voting demographi­c that, as a whole, lean toward, and vote, Democratic.

The true remedy for whatever voting ills we suffer is, of course, is not only get out the vote, but then to recall these jokers who claim they represent the average citizen.

Just as the Tea Party clamored for repeal and recall we should do the same here in Pennsylvan­ia this November. Throw these bums out and start over. Terry McNamara


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