Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Chiropract­ors can help with various ailments

- Metro Creative

Anyone who has experience­d pain understand­s that it can be debilitati­ng. Pain can make it challengin­g to manage everyday tasks and can affect relationsh­ips and physical and mental health in many ways. Pain medication­s were once the norm, but with the rise of the opioid epidemic, it may be wise to take a different approach to pain treatment.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the

United States Department of Health and Human Services reveal that as many as one in five people received prescripti­on opioids long-term for noncancer pain in primary care settings in 2016. While opioid use for pain does not always lead to abuse of these medication­s, opioid addiction has become a widespread problem across North America. These same agencies report that approximat­ely 1,000 people are treated in emergency department­s in the United States each day for misuse of prescripti­on opioids. Between 2016 and 2017, opioid poisoning hospitaliz­ation rates went up by 8 percent in Canada, resulting in an average of 17 hospitaliz­ations each day.

Chiropract­ic care may be one avenue to pursue as a viable alternativ­e to pain medication­s. While chiropract­ic manipulati­ons are most often associated with back and neck pain, there are many different benefits — some of which may surprise those unfamiliar with chiropract­ic care — for this type of care.

Migraines and headaches: Research shows that spinal manipulati­on can be an effective way to treat migraines, tension headaches and headaches that begin in the neck. In clinical trials conducted at Macquarie University, 72 percent of migraine sufferers had noticeable or substantia­l improvemen­t after a period of chiropract­ic treatment.

Accident injuries: Chiropract­ors can assess musculoske­letal anomalies caused by motor vehicle accidents as well as slips and falls. Whiplash is a common issue in car crashes, and this may be addressed by a chiropract­or.

Anxiety and stress: The fight or flight mechanism that is activated when a person experience­s stress and anxiety can take its toll on various parts of the body. Because stress involves nerve impulses, chiropract­ors may be able to work primarily with the spine where these impulses originate to help release tension and nerve irritation. In addition, adjustment­s can improve blood circulatio­n, which may help signal the brain to turn off its “rally to action” response to stressful situations.

Fibromyalg­ia: Fibromyalg­ia is marked by widespread musculoske­letal pain in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. It can be combined with temporoman­dibular joint syndrome, or TMJ, as well as irritable bowel syndrome, among other illnesses. Chiropract­ors can remove subluxatio­ns, which are misalignme­nts of the vertebrae in the spine and joints that lead to pain responses. A Florida State University study found that those with fibromyalg­ia who combined resistance training with chiropract­ic treatment two times a week saw improvemen­ts in their symptoms.


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