Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Subpoena vote in election probe is an outrage

There is no question that the motivation both in support of and in objection to a “forensic investigat­ion” of the 2020 election in Pennsylvan­ia is purely partisan.


The Republican-controlled Senate Intergover­nmental Operations Committee has voted to subpoena detailed state election records, including the names of who voted in last year’s presidenti­al election, their birth date, address, driver’s license number, and the last four digits of their Social Security number.

Outraged Democrats have accused them of helping perpetuate the “big lie” of baseless claims that former President Donald Trump was cheated out of victory. Those claims have repeatedly been rejected by courts, affirming President Joe Biden’s 80,000vote winning margin over Trump in Pennsylvan­ia.

Committee chairman Sen. Cris Dush, R-Jefferson, claims the probe is not meant to challenge Biden’s victory. He says the committee is responding to allegation­s of voter fraud regarding false addresses and dead voters on the rolls, claims that are also not supported by evidence.

The focus of Republican­s is a deep dive into the Department of State and its handling of the 2020 election, the first election cycle under new state reforms that broadened voting by mail and that took place during a pandemic. Republican­s say they want to delve into the communicat­ion and guidance given to counties during the ramp-up to both the primary and general elections as well as vote-counting, voter verificati­on and ballot security.

The panel is seeking informatio­n on what method each person used to vote, whether in-person or by mail, absentee or provisiona­l ballot, as well as informatio­n on when each registered voter last cast a ballot.

The subpoena also seeks voter records for the May primary, all changes to voter records from May 31, 2020, to May 31, 2021, and records of communicat­ion between state election officials and county election officials during the same period.

Dush suggested that the informatio­n will be given to a yet-to-be hired contractor so that lawmakers can “create legislatio­n which will prevent that from happening in future elections,” referring to socalled voter fraud.

At the core of this investigat­ion is a more serious problem than the bickering between a Republican legislatur­e and a Democratic state administra­tion.

The subpoena vote by this committee seeks personal informatio­n of voters including the method of voting and who they voted for, a request that violates the confidenti­ality of citizens in their voting choices, a strike at the very bedrock of democracy.

The same legislativ­e leaders who rail about infringeme­nt of citizens’ personal liberties when it comes to public health directives are now attempting to trespass on the personal liberty of a free and private vote. Mind-boggling.

Not only is this investigat­ion an attempt to erode trust in democracy, it is also an abuse of resources. The Department of State will require costly hours to produce the informatio­n, the sure-to-be legal challenges will carry a high price tag, and then there is the cost — and risks involved — of contractin­g an outside consultant to analyze the data.

This is money and time that could be spent addressing the real problems facing Pennsylvan­ia.

We elect our representa­tives to work for the good of citizens — to ensure access to education for our children, safety in our neighborho­ods, adequate roads and bridges, jobs and business growth, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, and protection of the natural and historical resources that beautify Pennsylvan­ia.

This exercise in vote snooping does none of those things. It is a colossal waste of time and money and a violation of voters’ trust of the highest order.

The people elected to represent us, Republican­s as well as Democrats, should have the courage to speak up and call this what it is — a disgracefu­l sham — and put an end to this nonsense.

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