Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

Starting the day with healthy breakfast and reading the newspaper

- Ruth Z Deming Willow Grove


There it was. The Times Chronicle delivered right on time on my front sidewalk. How grateful I am to read the local news.

And in living color! February is “Heart Health Month” reminds me yet again to start my day with a healthy breakfast. The farm-fresh eggs from ALDI plus sauteed mushrooms and medium hot salsa reminded me of staying at a bed and breakfast in Ocean City, N.J.

Something I like to do is buy fresh flowers and put them on my front window sill — purple cyclomen and a fragrant pink hyancinth.

Did I hear the breakfast gong go off? Great. This morning I’ll have Muesli, the fruit, nut and oatmeal cereal made famous by Ted Koppel. At 82, he may still be eating it.

Your political cartoons are a riot, though I still miss Blondie and Dagwood comic strips.

Gotta run. My Muesli should be ready. Will read the paper while learning about “Historic Black Wellness.” Perhaps there is something I can do to help.

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