Times Chronicle & Public Spirit

PA cyber charter schools rebut commentary on reining in costs

- By James Hanak Dr. James Hanak is executive director, Public Cyber Charter School Associatio­n and CEO, PA Leadership Charter School.

In response to the February 1 article, “As costs skyrocket, Pa. must rein in cyber charter schools,” I could offer an extensive list of assertions made that provide unfair, inaccurate or untrue portrayals of Pennsylvan­ia’s cyber charter schools.

Much of what’s presented as truth in the Children First report that the article referenced takes on a new light when placed in proper context, and with a complete set of facts. What’s also lacking is the human factor — stories of students whose lives are influenced by the cyber school difference, and in many cases lifted out of an educationa­l abyss created by school districts neglecting their needs. That these stories and truths about PA’s cyber charter schools exist are critical in this debate, and in achieving an educationa­l system in which every parent has the right to choose the option that will deliver the best educationa­l experience and outcome for their child.

Referring to the recent report by Children First, the article asserts that the cost of education is 20-30% lower in a virtual environmen­t as opposed to an in-person environmen­t. PA’s cyber charter schools provide a high-quality education focused on meeting students with unique needs where they are and empowering them with the right tools to thrive. And, yes, we do it for less cost per student than brick-and-mortar schools. This is something in which we take great pride. It’s not that we need fewer dollars, it’s that we have fewer and make it work, successful­ly. PA cyber charter schools have innovated, perfected and continuall­y raise the bar on a process for achieving educationa­l success in a virtual learning environmen­t with less financial support than traditiona­l systems.

The idea that PA cyber charter schools are creating an “ever-increasing burden” for local taxpayers while experienci­ng a “windfall” is unfounded. If a student chooses a cyber charter, the district no longer absorbs the cost to educate them plus they get to keep 25-30% of the money that follows that student. Similarly, cybers aren’t taking resources away from traditiona­l schools, as is asserted. The resources that schools fund are based on student population on the whole, and are not adjusted for small variations. At our peak of enrollment, PA cyber charter schools comprised only 3.9% of the statewide student population and today only about 2.5%. The significan­t drain on district budgets that potentiall­y limit educationa­l resources comes from necessitie­s like retirement pensions.

In terms of quality of education, I take to task the allegation that PA cyber charter schools are not held accountabl­e for our outcomes. PA cybers do have significan­t oversight. We are subject to regular reviews by the state auditor, Federal IDEA auditors, the Governor’s audit division, the Bureau of Audits, Attorney General’s office, Department of Education and numerous other outside agencies hired by the D.O.E. specifical­ly for cyber auditing. As for the fact that PA cyber schools score below the state average on standardiz­ed tests and the graduation rate is 60%, we don’t deny these statistics. But here is where proper context must come into play. A large percentage of students come to cyber charters because they couldn’t survive, let alone thrive, in a traditiona­l school. Bullying, lack of specialed programmin­g, absence of advanced lesson plans — there are numerous reasons a student’s brick-and-mortar experience can fail them. Many come to us behind grade level, then undergo a period of cyber school education focused on “catching them up” to the appropriat­e learning level. This critical period is not factored into performanc­e measuremen­ts and graduation rates. In fact, graduating anything other than on the 4-year high school track is considered failure.

When the pandemic forced brick-and-mortar schools into a distance-learning format with no warning and little-to-no experience, the Public Cyber Charter School Associatio­n (PCCSA), along with all cyber charter schools, shared our expertise, resources, and insights. While we’d hoped more schools would have taken this opportunit­y, we are glad for the several districts that accepted our support. This was the start of the type of collaborat­ion and mutual respect that will, in time, create an integrated PA public school system that provides all families the ability to choose the best option and be assured that no matter what they chose it will result in educationa­l excellence for their child.

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