Times-Herald (Vallejo)

McConnell makes best Supervisor


Friends and voters of Vallejo community in District-1 Solano County (North of Georgia Street):

The 2020s have arrived — Vallejo’s overall importance, economic capacity, diversity impact and the community and deserving of all resources from the mother County of Solano are at an all-time high and every need justified, considerin­g the past history of 20-plus years.

Cities of Vacaville, Vallejo, Fairfield, Green Valley, Suisun, Rio Vista, Benicia (like the children of the same parents) have all been facing similar problems/challenges in general — homelessne­ss and housing, seniors/veterans needs, businesses and job opportunit­ies, infrastruc­tures and facilities, parks, schools, etc.

However, just considerin­g facts and history this 21st century alone, not enough was done. Fairly stated, more could have been done! Striving for all dollars and resources to help Vallejo were not always the top priority while some cities maneuvered and/or managed to get more out of public servants’ votes/ efforts/support.

Embracing the “left” and the “right” to thrust forward, because we are all “Solano” county residents — a vision many of us heard from the sharp, compassion­ate, decorated veteran and tax attorney, distinguis­hed Vallejo City Councilmem­ber Robert McConnell makes most sense and gives better hope.

For example, Robert McConnell’s vision and plan includes:

• To strive to uplift and upgrade Highway 37, integratin­g and boosting the ferry system for comprehens­ive community outreach with Vallejo as the central hub into the Napa River/Sonoma area.

• Tackling the problems of homelessne­ss above and beyond what City Hall is able to with county and state grants.

• Consistent­ly and seriously committing to preserve the Preserve (Mare Island Preserve) continue to bring higher revenues to Vallejo by visitors/tourists at events, saving and promoting the ecosystem with bird/animal species and waterways enjoyed by all people and saving it for posterity (future generation­s).

• A comprehens­ive plan (not patch work, city v. county) to expand and benefit the fairground­s area/zone.

Vallejo City Councilmem­ber and Ex-Vice Mayor Robert McConnell has shown grit and a great analytical mind when it comes to public policies and needs of the working class, the poor, veterans and women/seniors.

He has strongly and always supported participat­ory budgeting, supported the Preserve, opposed the cement factory, opposed the blind and temp fix council action on buying the waterfront building for VPD, and supported the naming of Waterfront Barbara Kondylis Park.

He has always asked carefully analyzed and researched questions and concerns when it affects a great majority of the people. Just watch past council meeting videos this past eight years!

As homeowner and taxpayer, I have watched our politician­s, most council members and mayors served our community this past 17 years in Vallejo. And after serving on many boards and commission­s, I experience­d greater insights into the impact of McConnell’s voting and questionin­g. Most importantl­y, I see him as someone who fights so hard for the people like no other public servant in my Vallejo life.

Since 2017, I serve on the Solano County Library Foundation. I gained more informatio­n about county operation, transactio­ns, politics and personalit­ies, and have a basic sense for relative standing of each city in the county. McConnell would be an easy to work with and natural friend with extraordin­ary expertise, wisdom and kind heart who will strive for Vallejo’s place in Solano County.

Passionate­ly and practicall­y speaking, I urge all of you voters in District-1 to choose Robert McConnell on March 3 primary to herald a new era in Vallejo and Solano. The mail-in ballots for the primary will be here soon and could contribute to an early decision.

With peace and gratitude, wishing you all a healthy, prosperous 2020.

— Ravi C. Shankar/Vallejo

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