Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Trump’s loss: Our long national nightmare is finally over


Our long national nightmare is over.

Donald Trump has lost the presidency. Americans have sent packing the man who made the lives of so many a hell for the past four years with constant chaos, unbridled vitriol and attacks on the foundation­s of democracy. There may be difficulty in the days ahead because of (gratuitous) court challenges and ( baseless) claims of fraud. The rage he has induced in supporters and opponents alike will take time to dissipate. But for a moment, let us rejoice: Our democracy has survived.

Many of my colleagues in the press chatter about the disappoint­ment Donald Trump’s opponents must feel. The margin of victory wasn’t as big as polls predicted! Democrats didn’t win the Senate! Their House majority thinned! Divided America!

Gridlock ahead!

But they don’t do justice to the historic victory that Democrats, independen­t voters and a brave few Republican­s just pulled off. They denied a president a second term for the first time in 28 years — putting Trump in the company of Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover. President-elect Joe Biden — just writing that brings relief — received more votes than any other presidenti­al candidate in history, in an election with historical­ly high voter turnout. A president who loves to apply superlativ­es can now claim a RECORD, HUGE and BIGGEST EVER defeat.

Biden likely will have flipped five states Trump won in 2016 plus part of Nebraska, and VicePresid­ent-elect Kamala Harris will be the first woman, first African American and first Asian American in that role.

Ousting a demagogue with the loudest megaphone in the land is not an easy undertakin­g. Trump’s opponents had to overcome an unpreceden­ted stream of disinforma­tion and falsehoods from the president, even as his party normalized the assaults on truth, on facts, on science, on expertise. Trump’s opponents were up against a strongman who used the Justice Department, diplomats and the intelligen­ce community to harass political opponents, who used federal police to suppress public demonstrat­ions, who engaged in a massive campaign of voter intimidati­on and suppressio­n, and who used government powers for political advantage: enlisting government employees to campaign for him, sabotaging postal operations, putting his name on taxpayer-funded checks, using the White House for a party convention. And Trump’s opponents had to contend with a Fox News cheering section and social-media landscape that insulated millions from reality.

Had Trump won a second term, we may not have been able to recover. “I feel very confident the United States can repair after one term,” Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton has said. “Two terms? I would be a little bit more worried.”

The vitriol won’t vanish, but we won’t have a commander in chief fueling it at all hours. Crises will still come, but we won’t have a president fabricatin­g them for his own ends. The highest office in the land won’t be a nightmaris­h daily reality show of self- dealing, racism, cruelty, insults, coddling of dictators, antagonizi­ng of allies and authoritar­ian flourishes.

Trump, who had talked of postponing the election and refused to commit to honor its results or to transfer power peacefully, has shown his autocratic instincts anew this week. In the middle of the night after the polls closed, he announced that “we already have” won. He tweeted that same night, without a shred of truth, that “We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. . .” He later announced that “we hereby claim” the electoral votes of states he had not actually won.

There may be hard days ahead, depending on what Trump does. But there is so far little evidence that Americans, including most Trump supporters, have any enthusiasm for him disregardi­ng the results of a free and fair election. Had he been given four more years to dismantle our institutio­ns, there’s no telling what might have become of us. But history will record that in a dark hour for democracy, Americans rose to the moment and preserved their republic.

No more nightmaris­h daily reality show of self-dealing, racism, insults, coddling of dictators, antagonizi­ng of allies and authoritar­ian flourishes.

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