Times-Herald (Vallejo)

God, country, liberty and even more madness

- Dathleen Karber —kathleenpa­rker@washpost. com.

It was the nearly forgotten mid-century novelist Nelson Algren who said: “Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom’s. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.”

To this catalogue of sagacity, Algren today might add, “Never trust a group that claims to work for God, country or liberty, as any or all three are unlikely to be wellrepres­ented.” Just ask David Lopez-Zuniga, the 39-year-old air conditioni­ng repairman who was run off a Texas road in October by a private investigat­or for the Liberty Center for God and Country.

See what I mean? Lopez-Zuniga was, as they say, minding his own business, “driving like I normally do, and I see a car behind me” shortly after leaving his mobile home at 5:15 a.m., he explained to The Washington Post. “He was swerving. I thought he was drunk.”

When Lopez-Zuniga slowed down to let the other vehicle pass, the driver of the SUV — a former Houston police captain named Mark A. Aguirre — rammed Lopez-Zuniga’s truck, forcing him off the road. Aguirre then got out of his SUV with one hand in his jacket, causing Lopez-Zuniga to believe the man was hurt. When Lopez-Zuniga got close to Aguirre to try to help him, Aguirre pulled a gun from his pocket, released the safety and pinned Lopez-Zuniga to the ground with a knee to his back.

A few minutes later, two other men arrived on the scene, searched the truck, then drove it away and dumped it. Lopez-Zuniga, meanwhile, was terrified, he said. Imagine: He has no idea who this man is, it’s early morning, and suddenly he’s on the ground at gunpoint.

As extremely good luck would have it, a Houston police officer happened to be driving past and witnessed these events unfolding. Under questionin­g, Aguirre explained that he had been surveillin­g Lopez-Zuniga for possible voter fraud and, ultimately, led the officer to his surveillan­ce spot, saying, “I just hope you’re a patriot.”

Algren Addendum No. 2: Beware conceal-and-carry people calling themselves patriots.

Aguirre has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon, which his lawyer claims is a political plot. ( What isn’t these days?)

Lopez-Zuniga’s imaginary crime, for which of course no evidence exists, was supposedly transporti­ng 750,000 ballots fraudulent­ly signed by Hispanic children.

If you’ve been picturing a vigilante state lately or, as recently discussed in the White House, a declaratio­n of martial law, your imaginatio­n is not running wild. It is wrong to say such things couldn’t happen here; they do, and they are. Algren would certainly agree, since he was under constant surveillan­ce himself during the 1950s for suspicion of being a communist.

But yesterday’s communists are today’s Democrats, if you subscribe to the ideas behind the Liberty Center for God and Country, which was formed in August and funded primarily by well-known GOP megadonor Steven F. Hotze, who serves as the group’s president.

This and other similar projects around the country were prompted by President Donald Trump’s preemptive claims that voter fraud would be rampant when the vote counting began. As all but his most diehard fans now accept, Trump was paving the way for his post- election legal challenges — and apparently for loyal goons to run innocent people off the road, too.

Trump didn’t create these developmen­ts, but he has provided fertilizer and water to impulses previously buried. A by-product of cultivatin­g such impulses is that ordinary citizens are no longer inoculated against zealots imbued with self-righteousn­ess. When people like Hotze can buy prime political real estate and fund personal missions of vindicatio­n or vindictive­ness under the flag of liberty, God and country, we are living in a country not our own.

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