Times-Herald (Vallejo)

The Republican­s just voted to defund the police

- Aana IilManb — Twitter, @Milbank.

President Trump and Republican­s campaigned in 2020 by scaring Americans into thinking Democrats would “defund the police” and unleash a crime spree.

This helped Republican­s keep control of the Senate (for now) and grow their numbers in the House. So what are they doing to celebrate? Why, they’re defunding the police — as violent crime surges.

GOP leaders over the last week defeated Democrats’, and a bipartisan group’s, plans to send help to states and cities that are facing cutbacks to public safety and other services because of the pandemic-caused budget crisis. They claimed this would amount to what McConnell called a “blue-state bailout.” In reality, it was more of a “blue bailout” — and police in blue and red states alike are now on the chopping block.

“Despite the clear evidence that shrinking revenue in cities across the country is leading to job loss and the reduction of critical services like public safety,” the U.S. Conference of Mayors protested this week, “Congress chose to turn its back on first responders, police, firefighte­rs and other essential workers.”

This isn’t theoretica­l. In large part because of the federal government’s months-long refusal to help, localities across the country are involuntar­ily defunding the police in real time.

Dayton, Ohio, is no longer planning to hire a new class of police in 2021 because of the budget crisis. Though trying to protect public-safety, Dayton reportedly plans a small reduction in existing police jobs.

This week, 12 local elected officials in Georgia wrote the state’s two U.S. senators (who both face runoff elections) to say the COVID package “fails to provide vital funds for essential workers in local government­s: workers like teachers, firefighte­rs and law enforcemen­t.”

Oakland, California, announced Tuesday that it was cutting “$20 million in public safety expenditur­e.” The city’s police chief had warned that “each of these critical overtime and program cuts reduce vital prevention, interventi­on, and safety services.” Oakland hadn’t implemente­d police cuts because of the defund movement, but the budget crisis may leave no choice.

Los Angeles has been wrestling with possible cuts to the LAPD of more than 600 officers and employees. The city is reducing policing programs — not, primarily, because of “defund” activists but because the city is broke.

Pittsburgh has considered cutting 200 police officers. Jurisdicti­ons ranging from sprawling Dallas to little Hazelton, Pennsylvan­ia, have moved toward reducing police pay and overtime. Illinois is contemplat­ing $71 million in cuts to public safety. In Michigan, cities are begging the state for help avoiding cuts to police.

It’s easy to miss as Trump and his aides stir up chaos in the final weeks of his presidency: throwing the just-passed

COVID bill into doubt, risking a government shutdown, pardoning law-breaking former aides and Republican lawmakers, handcuffin­g the Federal Reserve, underminin­g faith in the election and winking at a Russian cyberattac­k on the United States.

But the refusal to help states and cities in the pandemicca­used fiscal crisis (McConnell once suggested letting them go bankrupt) is dangerous.

Trump and Republican­s were correct when they warned of a threat to public safety. But the perpetrato­rs weren’t “leftist” militants or Black Lives Matter activists. The culprits are Republican­s who promised “law and order” but, with their votes, defunded the police.

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