Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Try to make partner’s life easy

- By Phillip Alder © 2021 UFS, Dist. by Andrews McMeel for UFS PHILLIP ALDER

Nick Cannon, a comedian, rapper and television host, said, “Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationsh­ip you’re in and do your best to take care of your partner. Communicat­e and give them every last drop of love you have.”

Bridge partners also need care and attention. Sometimes, one player can predict the future, but his partner is unable to do so. Then the defender who knows how to defeat the contract must try to signal as accurately as possible.

In today’s deal, how should EastWest defeat four spades after West leads the heart five?

North responded with a forcing one no-trump, playing two-over-one game-force. Then, when South rebid two diamonds (usually a four-card or longer suit, but possibly, as here, exactly 5=3=3=2 distributi­on and 12-14 points). North’s jump to three spades showed game-invitation­al strength with three-card support. South had an easy pass.

Declarer took the first trick with his heart king and played a trump to dummy’s queen and East’s ace. What happened next?

East wanted to get his partner on lead and receive a heart ruff. But would West be confident that his partner was now void of hearts?

East had to introduce a piece of deception. He did not want clubs continued, so he shifted to the club eight, the high card in principle denying an honor in the suit.

West got the message. He won with his club 10, gave partner a heart ruff, got back in with his club queen and delivered a second ruff — down one.

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