Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Mayor: Vaccines by ZIP would have saved lives

- By Janie Har and Michael R. Blood

Eric Garcetti said “a lot of deaths” could have been prevented if the vaccines went ot those disadvanta­ged.

SANFRANCIS­CO>> Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said many deaths could have been prevented if the state focused earlier on vaccinatin­g those in the most disadvanta­ged neighborho­ods, a tacit criticism of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to initially focus inoculatio­n efforts by age and profession.

Garcetti also said he’s eager for the day when the state and federal government­s take “the handcuffs off us completely” and allow local officials to vaccinate those who they feel are most at risk.

“From a public health perspectiv­e, we should have gone in with surge teams to ZIP codes that were hardest hit (by the coronaviru­s) and just say, ‘Anybody in this ZIP code gets a vaccine,’ “Garcetti said during an online interview with Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “And we could of — I think — really prevented a lot of deaths.”

Garcetti and Newsom are fellow Democrats and close friends. And while the mayor didn’t name Newsom, his comments ultimately are criticism of the governor’s approach, which were modified earlier this month when he announced 40% of all vaccine doses will go to people in the state’s most disadvanta­ged ZIP codes.

Newsom’s office did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

Newsom came under harsh criticism from local officials when he announced in late January his plan to centralize vaccinatio­ns under a state system run by insurer Blue Shield. County officials felt they were being undercut, but more of them are coming on board now.

The state public health department announced Friday that the state’s two largest counties, Los Angeles and San Diego, have signed on to the plan. The governor’s office had initially planned for counties to sign contracts with Blue Shield, but they now are signing memorandum­s of understand­ing with the state.

California leads the nation in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths, with the poor, as well as African Americans and Latinos, accounting for a disproport­ionately high number.

When vaccines first became available in limited form in December, California followed federal recommenda­tions and allowed vaccinatio­ns only for health care workers and the elderly and others in nursing homes and other longterm care facilities.

Since then, Newsom has opened up eligibilit­y to all people 65 and older as well as teachers, child care workers, farm and food workers, and emergency personnel.

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