Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Waking up optimistic


I have tried in my life to wake up optimistic. That was extremely difficult to do over the last four years. 2020 was going to be my last year working. The plan was to save most of my 2020 income and then retire in September, buy a new Harley and ride across the country. Then the pandemic hit. The president declared he took no responsibi­lity, the nation went on lockdown, my industry (live entertainm­ent) stopped completely.

In November I began to regain optimism. We had a new president who chose to take on this pandemic as job No. 1. He didn’t deny science. He did not blame other countries. He set a goal to deal with this devastatin­g virus.

Days into his presidency he signed the American Rescue Plan. Then he spoke to us and let all Americans know that we could be optimistic again. He showed to us all what had been missing: Compassion and caring leadership. We have a president that got his vaccinatio­n on camera — not in secret. He told us that we need to stay diligent and by doing the things we will continue reducing the number of cases of this virus, we can stop seeing our loved ones die, we can get back to our normal lives: going to work rather than working from home, sending our kids to school rather than in-home teaching, going to a music concert, Broadway show or a movie theater, hugging friends and family.

People see their world opening up again as we move up from one tier to the next. President Biden reminds us to keep doing our part by wearing masks, washing our hands, and maintainin­g social distancing and remain optimistic.

The American Rescue Plan, thanks to Democratic leadership in Congress, provides real, tangible and immediate help to the American public.

Some 85 percent of American households will receive checks for $1,400 per person, which means an eligible typical family of four making $100,000 a year will receive $5,600 in direct relief.

It is estimated it will cut child poverty in half and lower health care premiums for millions of families.

It represents the greatest investment in child care, President Biden said, since World War II, helping parents and child care providers.

Itprovides­resourcest­ohelp get children back in schools.

It extends unemployme­nt insurance, a much-needed lifeline.

Economists agree that it will foster economic growth and create some 7 million jobs.

It addresses issues of housing, food access, transporta­tion and so much more to support families, workers, students, small business, individual­s, communitie­s, state and local government. It provides economic relief for Americans. It gives us hope.

I wake up in American Canyon optimistic again.

— G. Anthony Phillips/ American Canyon

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