Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Vote Ceremello in Dixon


Thank you to Michael Ceremello for running for the office of Dixon City Clerk.

We, the people, want an elected City Clerk who will be an independen­t officer capable of carrying out the statutory duties of the office without the supervisio­n, direction and approval of the City Manager, the City Attorney or the City Council. The voters spoke. Now it is time to elect Michael Ceremello as our elected city clerk.

Mr. Ceremello has been a council member, a longtime Dixon resident, and an outspoken critic of the out-of-control city government.

As I read the city’s scare tactics in this fancy, expensive, colorful brochure that was mailed to Dixon Water customers recently, I realized why the city doesn’t want him to be the “elected City Clerk.” With him in office they will not be able to cheat and lie during the Propositio­n 218 required protest vote, as they did in the past, when they will try to impose another water rate increase.

Recently the city wasted our tax dollars and took him to court to have a judge order “text” they didn’t like be removed from his candidate’s statement? How much did this cost us?

At least Ceremello respected the Dixon voters and submitted a “candidate’s statement” — unlike his opponent, a newly arrived resident, who didn’t have the courtesy to introduce herself to the voters with a “candidates statement.”

Thank you for giving us the choice between someone who will work for the people and someone who is comfortabl­e being a “figurehead.”

Please Vote for Ceremello for City Clerk on Nov. 2.

— Shari Borkin/Dixon

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