Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Decisions, decisions ...


Having a little trouble making all those life-altering decisions each day? Looking for a respite where someone (or something) else owns the onus of your options?

Demands of the day are neverendin­g: Which shoe do I put on last? Do I even need shoes? Does this pair of sweat pants make me look obese or obtuse? The list goes on and on. However, at least one dilemma may be deleted and you can quell the qualms for one quandary. How often, as you barrel down Peabody Road like a bat out of hell, do you see, in the distance, a green light at yonder intersecti­on? Yet, as you get closer to your “red zone,” a queasy feeling creeps in as you know that the green light will take on a fallish hue right at your abort point.

What to do? Should you slam on the brakes and festoon your dashboard with fragments of your Happy Meal, or do you stomp on the gas and careen through the intersecti­on on half red and hope that your muddied up license plate won’t let you down? All this has to be processed, decided on, and the action performed in the blink of your distracted eye. What a dilemma! Cheer up, help is on the way.

Thanks to some guy named Grant, Vacaville is the beneficiar­y of 2.5 million big ones and can blow most of it on a high tech traffic light system that will be able to clock your speed, compare it to your distance to the crosswalk, and then fiddle with how long your green light needs to be extended. This will allow you to plow through that intersecti­on with an unfurrowed brow.

So, just skip this coin flip, and, when nearing each intersecti­on, don your goggles and throw caution to the winds as the radar detection system has your front, and, more than likely, nothing will go wrong.

Now you’re free to fret over whether to take banjo or ukulele lessons.

— Bill Ferguson/Vacaville

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